Chapter 59: To Those Who Came Before

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August 12, 2020

Kristen's POV

"Are they tearing this place down?" I said to Damien as we walked down the hallway of the house where I had grown up in, the house where I played, the house where I lived, and the house that took everything from me.

"They are renovating it, kind of, before selling the property."

"I guess this is the best for all of us. We can't let the past hold on to us forever."

"They will soon be removing all the furniture, so we should hurry."

"I guess..." We turned to a corner and entered the room that was once mine. It was cleaned up, everything still in place. I made my way towards the locker, opening it with the password.
"Grab whatever we have here."

"Alright." Damien said before lifting a couple of crossbows and vials of poison, and placed them in his bag. I did the same and right before I could close the locker, something caught my eye. It was a dusty, old video cassette. I brushed off the dust. It was labelled 'Holidays 2002'.

"What is that?" Damien said, placing the last of the items inside the bag.

"It's a... recording." I turned it around. It definitely was only a cassette, but something pulled me towards it.

"Do you want to take it back with you?"

I nodded.

"Then we shall." He placed a hand on my back as we left my house, muttering one last goodbye to it.


"This is old, but I hope it works." Damien said, bringing in his video cassette player, and placed it on his bed. I placed the videotape inside the disc drive and pressed the play button. In a minute, a grainy video started playing on the videotape player.

"Dad? Uncle Jon..." I recognised the faces on the tape immediately.

" I recognised the faces on the tape immediately

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"Hey Jon, come here!" Dad shouted. Uncle Jon approached him.

"What's the matter?"

Dad bent down, gathering some snow from around his feet, forming a snowball, before he hurled it at Uncle Jon. "Merry Christmas!"

"You got me brother!" This time, he bent down making a giant snowball before throwing it at dad. "I can't resist a good competition."

"This is definitely war." The two of them started attacking each other with snowballs.

"Stop acting like children the two of you."



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