Chapter 53: Uninvited

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Rosalyn's POV

"Merry Christmas." Nathaniel's cold voice filled  the room before he took off his mask, revealing the brown, devilish orbs, staring back at me.

"What do you want?"

"I only wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas. It is your special day after all. And also..." He presented me the gift which he had been holding. "I wanted to give you this as a token of our friendship, so that you know whom you should side with." He handed me the gift, as I took it in my shaking hands. "Until next time, Merry Christmas." He put on his mask and walked out the door, leaving me in shock as well as in terror.


"Nathaniel did what?"

"He... met me while I was in the washroom..."

"And what about the wards we constructed to keep away supernatural creatures?" Damien said.

"Do you really think some ward could keep father away? He was created with a much stronger magic than the ward could ever have." Aurora shook her head.

"We are forgetting the most important part. What was he here for?" All eyes turned to me.

"He said he wanted to wish me a Happy Birthday and a Merry Christmas, and to give me this." I held out the present that he had given me.

"So, open it." Stella said.

"Wait. What if something dangerous is in there?" Amber stepped forward, ready to take the box from my hands.

"I don't think so. If I know Nathaniel well, he will strike at the emotional core of his target first." Vincent said.

"That would hurt more..." Kristen sighed.

"Alright. Open the box. We are right here."

I held the lid of the cardboard box, wrapped in a red decorative paper and forced it open, to find an unmistakably familiar ring inside. I felt something shatter inside me, forcing the very life out of my control. Terror, trauma and agony struck me at once as I fell to my knees.

"Rose!" Amber caught my shoulders with her hands and knelt down along with me. Tears pooled out of my eyes like an unending stream.

"What is it?" Damien said.

"My father's ring." I answered in a shaky voice as I looked down at the jade ring inside the box, with a neatly folded letter close by.

"Rose..." Amber rubbed my back before breaking into tears herself.

"What is in the paper?"

I picked up the paper and unfolded it, revealing some writing written on it with black ink. It was a letter to me from Nathaniel.

"It is a letter..."

"Read it out."

I gulped before reading the letter to everyone...

"To Rosalyn,

You are an exceptionally powerful girl and I welcome you to join my alliance. You remind me so much of my late wife, the one who made me who I am. This present is only a small offering from my side. My children have been nothing but a disgrace to my name, but I don't want you to make the same mistake. You are wise enough to make the right choice for yourself, and the ones you care about. The next time you hear from me is when you would have to make a decision, the cleverest one in fact, otherwise it will be your loved ones to suffer. May our paths cross again, and under better and favourable circumstances.

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