Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I walked into the door of my english class and glanced around the room to get a rough idea of where everyone was sitting and to scout out the best place for me. Who should I sit with? It's kind of a difficult decision; it sets the tone for the rest of the school year... hmm. Where should I sit? I must have pondered this all consuming question for a decent period of time; "Miss Brie Thompson? I'm Ms. Anderson, your AP English teacher. Would you mind taking a seat please, the class has already started and you are holding up the rest of us... Let's not make this a regular habit Miss Thompson, alright?". I turned bright red and quickly took a seat in the back of the room that lucky wasn't surrounded by too many others. I had a good chunk of the room to myself and for that I was thankful. As we learned about what to expect in such an advanced class I slowly drifted off to the land of where unconsciousness was bliss. The door loudly creaked  and I snapped back to reality as a muscular boy with brown hair walked in and looked around making eye contact with me for a split second before his attention turned to Ms. Anderson. "You must be Jacob Tern judging by the note in your file that says that you are always late if you even show up". To my surprise he simply by flashed a smile, "and you must be Ms. Anderson the best teacher for AP english that one could hope for and clearly the smartest since you are correct that I am Jacob Tern". Ms.Anderson surely must have not been as smart as Jacob had said she was for she fell right into it, as flustered as any of her students had ever seen her; "Oh...Ah... I mean... Alright... Mr.Tern why don't you sit down next to Miss Thompson."...

"I'm sorry where?", humiliation once again coursed through my veins. It was bad enough that I was rarely known by my peers but to be openly outed as such was embarrassing beyond belief. Jacob continued "I was raised on my fathers ranch, Tern Estate, and was tutored by one of the wives of the farmhands so I never went to an actual school before now, so I don't know most of the kids in the town."

"How interesting... I would LOVE if you would come in before school one day and tell me more about your life. I mean, growing up on the largest ranch in the whole state is very...unique... Erm, but for now Miss Thompson is over there". Ms. Anderson pointed to me. My eyes watched my hands fondle my pencil pouch; anything but to look up at Jacob's approaching body. He slid into the seat right next to me with little hesitation and immediately I felt him look at me with an intense curiosity. He stayed watching me until Ms. Anderson declared that she had some quick photocopying to do and that she would soon return and that if any of us just as much put one foot out of line she would have our skin. I glanced up, our eyes meeting. There wasn't as much as a smile on his face. All that was there on God's masterpiece was true intensity. 

"Should I call you Miss Thompson or is there anything else you go by?" I didn't respond out of shock that he was talking to me. My eyes remained glued to his as if in a trance.

 "I'm not going to bite you you know." In a rare moment boldness coursed through my veins "How kind of you Mr. Tern".

"You didn't answer the question Miss Thompson."

"I don't give out my name to strangers, Mr. Tern"

"Well I am clearly not a stranger since you know who I am.".

"And who is that Mr. Tern?" things were slowly becoming more playful as the tension decreased between us and his eyes started thawing.

"Anything and everything you've ever wanted in a table partner, a.k.a Jacob Tern, Miss Thompson." A cocky smile appeared on his chiseled face. I caved in, unable to resist the temptation; "Brie Thompson".

"You know you look like someone who enjoys horseback riding Brie. Would you mind if I invited you to come up to the ranch and join me for a ride. I really could use the help rounding up some stray sheep..."  Something told me that he was perfectly capable of doing it himself. Or at least had employees on his ranch to do it for him.

 "Um... my father won't like it..." The smile was quickly fading off of his face and for some strange reason I felt the strong need to keep him smiling and happy. "But... I haven't been ridding in a while and I've been dying to get back on a horse again so I guess..." I can't believe those words came out of my mouth. For all I know I could be murdered on his ranch and no one except Jacob would have known that I was even there. 

"Is that a yes, Miss Brie Thompson?" 

"It's a yes."

 "Great! I'll find you after school and I can drive you up to the ranch".

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