Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sunlight shines on my fresh face, my golden hair is in a halo above my head. My alarm buzzes from my nightstand and the sound seems to reverberate around in my scull. I shift over trying to block out the sound. I don't bother remaining in bed long, my fathers words from yesterday echoing in my head; "You can't expect to get ahead if you slack off Brie". I trot off to the shower, stumbling along the hallway as the sleep still hasn't worn off. I quickly feel refreshed by the steady cold stream of water. The sins of yesterday wash off my skin with little effort, sliding off and into the drain along with the suds. The dried blood took a little more work to peel off. 

I chose a soft baby blue lace dress that brought out the bluepigment in my eyes. I dab a little light pink lip gloss on my lips in attempt to brighten them. I want to look pretty and polished without looking slutty or like I was trying to show Jacob what he was missing. 

I walk down our hardwood stairs into both of my parents glare. The silence at our table was deadly. My mother passes the salt to my father, after only being cued by a slight movement of his mouth. The tension is so thick it would take a steak knife to cut it with. The cereal had turned to saw dust in my mouth yet I continued to swallow while my mind was off in the clouds. 

My father broke the silence first, "Brie, where did you go with that Tern boy yesterday?". 

"Um... just to the library...and just a few local stores". My father continued to digest my answer as he speared his pancakes.... "Good breakfast mom. I should probably be going to school since I want to get to my first period early so I can make a good impression on my teachers". The excuse seemed enough for my mom who nodded along, but my dad wasn't fully convinced. I quickly walked over to the front door searching for my backpack when panic struck and I realized that I had left it in Jacob's car. I opened the front door trying not draw attention to the fact, as for it would only harm the story I had told my parents. 

I walked out onto my front stoop and pressed my back up against the door. I feel sick to my stomach. I can practically taste the cereal attempting to make a reappearance.

"Rev...Rev!!!", I whip my head around to see a sports car whip around the corner. The car slides up to the curb of my house. 

"Hey Babe. You coming?" ...

"As if!". I took a step down from my  stoop and quickly walk down the sidewalk trying to put as much distance as possible between me and Jacob Stern. 

"Forgetting something, Miss Thompson?" Jacob's devious tone matches his devious gaze as he dangles my backpack on his fingertips. I spin around and march back next to his car trying to look as stoic and as steady as I wanted to be but clearly to no prevail. The moment my hands closed around my backpack Jacob's other hand shot up and wrapped around my wrist tightly. 

"Come on Brie, the least that I can do for you is give you a ride to school. And, since you are practically begging to get in the car and sit on my lap I might as well give the gift of being with me" he says smirkily but only somewhat jokingly. I shoot him a dirty look but it does nothing to wipe that dirty smirk off of his face. I open the passengers door to be greeted by a whistle, "Whoa, Brie, you sure clean up nice. It's not like I would hate having a pretty girl hanging off of me". I climb into the leather seat trying to ignore him. 

Just as Jacob puts the car in drive, I hear my front door open. I feel my blood run cold when I see my father open the door in his uniform and quickly walk over to Jacob's car. Of course Jacob doesn't react, but I feel like my body is a brick; stiff with tension...

 "Brie, I want you to get out of this car right now." orders my father. I hesitated but quickly comply, as usual, by unbuckling my seatbelt right. Just as I lift myself off my seat, Jacob reaches his arm around my shoulder to hold me in. With his other hand he reached to shake my father's hand to no prevail as my father's hand remains glued to his taser at his side. 

"Okay... you already know who I am as I assume, sir. You're daughter just left her backpack yesterday so I was swinging by to drop it off since I know how dedicated she is to school. It was then that  I realized that it would make nice to offer her a ride because we both are going to the same place... save the ecosystem or something, isn't that something that you would say Officer Thompson? Reduce harmful emissions?... Anyway, Brie and I were just heading off but it was nice for you to officially meet me as the admirer of you daughter". On his last word Jacob hits the gas and we speed away leaving my father speechless with a fist full of air. 

"You shouldn't have done that Jacob." I yelled trying to get the words out as his flied into a 30 zone going at least 75. 

"I felt like it. Enjoy it Thompson." He responds yelling trying to be heard over the wind. The wind whips at my hair surely tying my carefully combed mane into a nest of knots. I feel every head turn and every mouth drop in both shock, awe, and most of all jealously as we turned into our school parking lot. Jacob Tern parked in his reserved parking spot; each student could apply for their own parking spot if they had a car and the money to do so. Not many did. I glanced over at Jacob who looked dashing as usual in his striped navy blue and grey polo and his kaki shorts. He glanced over noticing the weight of my stare upon him. I felt my blood freeze as I realized his look was dark and he wasn't trying to hide it from me. Swiftly he got out of his car and swung his backpack over his shoulder. I scampered out of my seat and was in hot pursuit of Mr. Tern. After all, I think to myself, it would only be polite to apologize for any inconvenience that I may have caused and to thank him for the drive. I know what I am doing. I am talking myself into reengaging with Mr. Tern but I don't do anything to stop myself nor do I feel like doing so. 

"Hey Jacob! Wait up...". I sprint over to him, determined not to look like a piece of road kill left  by Jacob Tern.

 "Miss Thompson"was his curt reply.

"Mr. Tern, I just wanted to thank you for the ride and to apologize for any inconvenience that I may have caused you in the ordeal regarding my father". His eyebrows raised perplexed. I continued, sure of the blood visibly rushing to my face,  "Um, also... I would like it very much if you wouldn't say anything to anybody about yesterday..., you know, in the woods". Jacob's arrogant smile returned in full energy. His hand shot out and wrapped around my waist pulling me up against his body. 

"Now what exactly would you not want me telling anybody about Ms. Thompson?".

"Don't play around with me Jacob and make me have to refresh your memory of how scary I can be", I say jokingly.

"Why Ms. Thompson, how could I forget? And plus, everyone is scary, some more than others, and some like to show it more than others. I am probably the most scary person you will ever meet. Trust me. There are scary things that I will spare you from knowing about me... But, having you, another scary persons by my side, would be a suitable addition, don't you think?". He cuts off my reply as his head reaches down to kiss me in public view and my face turns red like fire. He pulls away, striding down the hallway to his first class of the day while I stand shocked in the hallway with my peers looking even more so.

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