Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The red topless sports car shined in the sun. Clearly, it was the pride and joy of Jacob Tern as it was clear that it was polished frequently.

 "Hop in Brie. And don't look so apprehensive; you're unnerving me." 

"Sorry, Jacob." I respond, desperate not to dampen the mood. The drive is absolutely blissful; coasting along by the rolling golden hills. I had never been on this road before, always cautious about trespassing on the Tern family who were known as avid gun collectors.

 "This is it. Home Sweet Home". It's clear that Jacob has a bit of a salty undertone. Is he not happy at the ranch? What could be wrong with it; it looks like heaven. Jacob pulls into one side of the circular driveway. The house is huge, truly stunning, 4 stories and magnificent. In the center of the circular driveway is a huge waterfall with swans swimming around. Am I imagining everything? He quickly stops the car and rushes out of his seat to go to the opposing door to open it for me. Before I know what is happening Jacob reaches down and wraps his arms under my knees and my back and hoists me up into his arms. "This way milady". Shock is coursing through my veins and I now regret more than ever coming to his house alone. 

"Marve, you saddled the horses for me, right?" says Jacob, addressing one of his employees, dresses in a black dress with a light blue apron.

"Of course, Mr. Tern" a voice inside his looming house responds. Th inside of Jacob's house was made out of dark wood but all of the windows still made it look light and airy with a homey but grand sense. It clearly was a house for a man of well means. Jacob still hadn't put me down and I was starting to feel a little awkward, imagining myself as a bride on her wedding day being carried by her groom. Jacob walks out the back door and into the stables, finding an already saddled horse. He lifts me onto the nearest horse without breaking a sweat and without as much as my toes touching the ground. Just as swiftly he swung himself onto his own horse.

"Oh Jacob! It's just so pretty."

"I wouldn't say pretty. More like majestic. And not even once you live here and see it all the time". We rode on in silence, me admiring the views surrounding us, him admiring me. 

"Brie, do you want to walk down to the forest?" his tone seems off yet I was under his spell 

"Sure Jacob". We left our horses tethered to a post that seemed to have been made specifically so Jacob could walk to the forest and leave his horse at the edge. Jacob grabbed onto my hand, sparks immedientaly shooting up my arm. He spun me around and quickly pushed his lips against mine and started nudging me to the ground. He reached down and put his hands on my hips though they didn't stay there for long. His tongue worked its way into my hesitant mouth and suddenly broke through and started exploring my mouth. He was now all over me but seemed uncomfortable as for my knees were bent straight and seemed glued together. His wandering hands slides down my thighs to push apart my legs and in doing so I freezed. Jacob broke away from my mouth and looked into my eyes confused. 

"Brie. I don't understand. Why are you so tense? No girl has ever been like that to me before". Tears sprung to my eyes having seeded from my embarrassment. 

"I... I... I don't know what to do. There has never been a "last" time for me. I've never even been kissed before until you". His face glazed over in what only could have been surprised. 

"Jacob? Jacob please say something".

"Arg! Brie. What have I done?". He sat up and ran his hands through his hair. 

"Brie. Shit. How could you possibly be as innocent as you came off to be. I thought it was a flirting tactic". Anger and panic starts to rise up in my voice, "Wait. You though that my innocence was an act?". I scoot away from Jacob and pull myself up. 

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