Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

He scribbled down a few notes trying to keep up.

 "Did any students or staff at your high school hold a visible grudge or strong dislike for the missing person. Maybe some admirers of him or of yours who may have seemed jealous? Do you think that your father had a good enough motive to kill the victim?". 

Oh goodness. How even am I supposed to answer that honestly knowing my Dad is going to read over all the interview transcripts? I thought this over. Slowly I digested his every word and weighed over what I was about to say and how to phrase it.

 "I wouldn't be surprised if some people were jealous of him and maybe would have considered stealing his car or denting it or something. Maybe even plant him with some drugs or something like that... maybe something more sinister. I don't know, he was only at school for a few months and was the new kid so it's not like he had time to burn too many bridges, though he definitely didn't rub everyone the right way.... Now that I think about it, Ms.Anderson seemed almost too fond to be true of him. Overall though, everyone was either jealous of him or wanted to be with him." He wrote everything down, word for word. I paused to let him catch up.

"If anything I should have been the one killed to make him single again so somebody else could have swooped in and won his heart! That at least would have made sense" I said with a heavy hearted laugh.

"You didn't answer the question about your father?", Damn! I thought he might have let it slide.

"What was the question again?" I asked innocently.

"Do you think your father would have killed him?". I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"Oh.. That... yes. I do think my father could have killed him. But then again, I think anyone could have killed him, I mean everyone is a suspect, right?" I tried to backpedal from the claim I had made, trying to distract the officer from asking more about my father in particular. 

"Brie, I need you to tell me more about his relationship with your father".

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