Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Everything feels so small now. Now I see my faults.  The only two things that really matter in life are the struggle between life and death, yet I have spent the duration of my life choosing to struggle over stupid things that didn't matter. All of the focus Jacob put onto his car, his sports scholarship to college, his attention to his horse, the way he lined up his dominos to get out of this small town, all of it didn't matter in the end. It all seems wasted now. Wasted words. Wasted time. Wasted drama. Wasted energy. And most of all, wasted life.

"Did you two fight often?" The investigator prompts asks yet another difficult question. My mind is twirling trying to find the right way to say yes yet no.

 "We fought a lot. Mostly over little things. However, the fights never seemed to chip away or damper our relationship at all. Somehow the fights and us being a couple were almost like a package deal". The investigator is writes this down, though I don't think it is of any importance to the investigation. 

"Um, Sir." the investigator turns his head up meeting my eyes. My voice starts out as a squeak but i force it to become more firm in order to gain some authority in the situation, "I know you were about to ask me this, so let me save you the time. I don't know where he was that day when he was skipping class. I never knew where he went. It's pointless for you even to ask me because every time i asked him about where he would go on the many times he skipped class, he would refuse to answer".

"Regardless, you seem like a smart enough girl, Miss Thompson, I'm sure that you have your own speculations about where the victim went. If I'm going to be perfectly honest, I'm fairly sure that your assumptions would be right". He delivers his line smooth and cool with a snake like smile on his face. Panic and bile start to come up my throat as I fake a smile, 

"Honest to God. I really can say that I have no idea where he went". Lies. I knew where he went. He went to get stoned. He went to get high with questionable people. He went to make out with girls in the back parking lot. As I should know; I was one of those girls for a while.

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