The Perfect Heist

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Prompt: In a world where Sam and Colby still live in the same apartment, Elton plays a prank on Sam without Colby's knowledge which angers Sam to the point of ignoring his best friend. Pissed off from the prank, Sam locks Colby out of the apartment and, too stubborn to leave, Colby is confronted with trouble sitting outside their apartment.
(Note: this is gonna be a very long imagine.)

"Dude, I said I didn't do it!" Colby begs as Sam speeds up in front of him, power-walking to their apartment. "Dude-Sam, please, I-I'm sorry, I wasn't apart of it okay? Please, bro, don't be mad. I-I didn't plan it and-I wasn't even apart of it..."

Sam ignores Colby's begging and keeps his solemn expression as he approaches their shared apartment. He's too angry right now to take into consideration any of Colby's excuses so instead, with the only rational part of his brain still functioning, he decides he needs space from his roommate. 

"Sam, bro, I didn't know what he was planning!" Colby tries, trailing behind Sam desperately. "I wasn't apart of the prank, dude, I swear I didn't know anything about it! Sam, please, I wouldn't do that."

"You've done it before." Sam grumbles, still ignoring his friend.

"Yeah, I know, and I was an idiot to do that to you," Colby says, guilty that Sam is so upset. "It was all Elton, okay? He took my phone and told me to go get him something at the store, but when I realized I didn't have my phone, I came back. That's when I came through the front door and-dude, I swear I wasn't apart of it."

Sam stops in his spot and whirls around, so sudden that Colby jumps back in surprise, met with the red angry expression on Sam's face. "You're really trying to tell me you weren't apart of the prank where Elton had someone call me to tell me that you were fucking dead? You're trying to tell me it was just a coincidence that you weren't fucking there when he was pranking me? You're trying to tell me it was by pure chance that you walked in just as Elton told me it was a prank? And-and that your phone just happened to be off, no wait, that 'Elton took it'?"

Colby tries to catch his breath, trying to compose himself as he listens to Sam gushing his heart out. "Y-yeah, dude, I know it sounds fake but-I swear, Sam, I'm done with all that. I know I've done it before but I'm past that, dude. I wouldn't do that to you again."

Sam flares his nostrils and lets out an angry huff, sticking his key in the keyhole of their apartment door. "Yeah, sure. Stop playing dumb, Colby. Why do keep up with your sick fucking dead pranks? I'm tired of thinking your dead all the time! I can't take it. So you know what? Go find another place to stay tonight. I can't even look at you right now."

With that, Sam opens the door and slams it behind him, effectively locking Colby out of their apartment. Colby just stands there for a second, too stunned to properly comprehend everything Sam just said. Once it dawns on him that Sam locked the door, Colby tries the handle and jiggles it, his attempts ineffective when he realizes he left his keys at home, since Sam had a key and they left together.

"Sam," Colby tries, gently knocking on the door. "Sam I know you're mad but I swear, it wasn't me this time, I swear to God, dude. Please, bro, believe me. I'm done with that shit. I love you, man, and I don't wanna keep hurting you, okay?"

Colby's met with silence and he exhales in dismay, knocking once more whilst pleading with the door, Sam ignoring him from his room within the apartment. Angry, Sam puts in his headphones and ignores the knocking from the front door, turning on music as he stews in his anger and sadness.

"Sam!" Colby shouts once more, realizing Sam isn't listening anymore. Colby sighs and runs a hand over his face, looking around fearfully before sliding down the door into a sitting position at the end of the hallway. He runs a hand through his hair and pulls his legs up to his chest, resting his elbows onto his knees, setting up camp in front of their apartment.

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