Trailer Trouble

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Prompt: In TFIL's video 'THIS MADE HIM REALLY ANGRY! w/ Sam, Colby & Corey', during the New Zealand trip, Elton drives the trailer dangerously (ie. speeding). What if Colby somehow got hurt when they were thrown around the back of the RV? 

"I gotta sit down." Is the first thing Colby says as he enters the trailer, maneuvering himself until he's sitting at the far end of the booth, Sam and Corey standing amidst the kitchen. He screeches in surprise as Elton speeds up, which sends Colby toppling over the table, Sam and Corey wobbling around on their feet like dented bowling pins. 

As he opens the cabinet below him, Corey grabs ahold of a loaf of breath, unfortunately, jerked from Elton's driving, he lets go of it suddenly and it slides onto the table. Colby manages to grab onto it, stopping it from sliding off the table as he pulls it close to him. 

"Okay, there's the bread!" He announces, smiling widely as he watches Sam and Corey attempt to navigate the trailer. It almost feels like they're trying to get their things as an earthquake rumbles beneath them when in reality, it's just Elton driving like a maniac. 

All they're trying to do is make some sandwiches but since the trailer is going so fast curtesy of Elton, they can barely balance themselves enough to be able to stand still for more than two seconds.

"I'm getting the laptop, I'm getting my laptop out of the-" As Corey unplugs his computer and pulls it off the table, he's slammed into the back of the table behind him due to Elton's driving. "OOOOOWWW." He whines loudly and aggressively, his cheeky tone replaced with one serious. He turns around to the kitchen area and tucks his computer away, when he's again, thrown back and forth into the furniture once or twice. 

"ELTON!" He screams, heavily pissed off. "CHILL THE FUCK OUT. Jesus Christ, I got broken ribs here."

"I found the nutella, guys!" Sam exclaims like a child, giddily setting down the jar onto the table. 

"Okay, we got the nutella." Colby confirms, still watching his roommates being tossed about in front of him. 

Another jerk of Elton's driving, Sam is thrown backwards towards the wall, where he makes contact with a thud against the closed door behind him, the RV steadily going at least 90mph. With eyes blown wide, Sam snaps his arms out to keep himself steady and balanced against the door behind him.

"Ohh!" Colby shouts in surprise, still maintaining his joking tone but now concerned for his friend. "He's gonna fly off this thing! Hang on, Sam, lemme-"

Colby carefully slides out of the booth, one hand holding the camera close to him as the other grips onto anything he can find as he makes his way over to his friend. "Sam, you go-dude, here."

Colby pulls Sam away from the door, aiding to steady Sam and gently nudges him towards the booth, handing him the camera. "You sit for a minute, I'm gonna help get the ingredients, bro."

"I'd get the fuck away from the door if I was you," Sam suggests with a laugh, pushing himself into the chair as he films Colby, who's now in his previous position.

Colby smirks and rolls his eyes, their surroundings shaking and rumbling all around them. "Yeah, dude, I'm just gonna-"

Elton makes a sharp turn and Colby flies across the RV into the window, his stomach making painful contact with the edge of table as his skull rears forward and slams into the window. His skull cracks against the window and he feels the glass shift beneath him, his body pressed against the booth uncomfortably, unsafe and in a compromising position. His eyes are wide in shock and he barely registers the pain in both his abdomen and his forehead as he's solely focusing on getting himself in a safe position, frantic at that point. Meanwhile, after seeing their roommate barrel into the glass window, Sam and Corey both start screaming at Elton to slow down.

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