Ancestral Vendetta

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Prompt: Elton, Corey, Sam, Colby and Heath go to Suicide bridge and use an Ouija board with the intentions of filming a video and perhaps getting in touch with some of the spirits whose death came at that very bridge. The spirit they manage to get ahold of however, fixates itself on the least interested member of the friend group.

"Alright so we're here with our friends Colby, Corey and Sam," Elton begins, pointing to each friend as he introduces them all. 

"Heeeyy guys," Sam says, a goofy grin on his face as he holds up a peace sign.

"Hi!" Corey cheerfully says, smiling wide whilst holding up peace signs as well. 

"To do the Ouija board challenge," Elton continues. "But I decided to step it up a little bit. These guys don't know where we are right now," Elton remarks cheekily as he turns to Heath. 

"We should step it down," Heath says, shaking his head. "Step it down right now."

Elton, Corey and Sam all giggle at Heath's remark however Colby remains stoic, nervous about filming the video. Something about what they're doing, the time and location is really irking him. He feels overly paranoid, not like he normally is when they do these kinds of videos, he feels really weird and different. Everything feels sketchy, too sketchy for his preference. Like Colby's usually pretty cautious when they do paranormal videos but today everything feels weighted, like somethings really there.

"Hey," Sam nudges Colby gently, shaking him from his thoughts. Colby whirls around to face Sam, somewhat jumpy as he faces his friend. "You okay, Colbs? You seem a little off this time, dude. Everything okay?"

Colby nervously nods and puts on a smile, trying not to drag Sam down with him. "Totally, dude. Just a little preoccupied is all. I'm tryna brainstorm ideas for the Sam and Colby channel, must've slipped away." 

Sam nods in understanding and turns away, which leaves Colby to exhale in relief that Sam bought it. He's always maintained the fact that he doesn't want to bring his friends down whenever he has doubts so lying is the easiest way to thwart it.

As they make their way to the bottom of the bridge, Colby trails off behind everyone else who's filming and joking and explaining things. He just follows close behind, trying to shake the feeling of unease from his system. I mean, does he really have any reason to believe something bad is gonna happen? And even if something happens, how bad could it be? He's with Corey, Sam, Elton and Heath, they're gonna be underneath a bridge with an Ouija board. The worst thing that could happen would be nothing, thus scrapping all their footage and delaying the next TFIL video.

It's only when Colby bumps into Heath that he realizes he wasn't paying any attention where he was going.

"Whoa, dude," Heath says, steadying Colby as he looks up. "You alright?"

"Y-yeah, dude, I'm fine." Colby answers, hoping his voice isn't shaking too much. "Just kinda, dozed off I guess."

Heath gives him one last glance before brushing it aside, forgetting all about it as they arrive at the bottom of the bridge.

"Dim the lights, draw the shades to better see the illuminating..." Sam reads off the instructions.

"You gotta read it in like a spooky voice, though," Elton interjects with a grin.

"While gently place the..." Sam continues in a gravelly yet quiet tone. "Planchette-guys I can't read this."

Elton crumbles into a fit of giggles as he and Sam stand back up. 

"This is the dumbest thing," Heath pipes up, his face neutral and tone serious. 

"This is the dumbest thing?" Elton questions.

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