Lost Footing

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Prompt: Remember when Colby pranked Sam by pretending he fell down the stairs in 'FAKING MY OWN DEATH PRANK (Calls COPS)? What if it wasn't a prank and he actually fell down the stairs and hurt himself really badly?

Colby looks away from his bright computer screen and yawns, rubbing his eyes as he leans back in his chair, arching his back to stretch. Spinning around in his chair, he licks his lips and peers around his slightly messy room, blinking his eyes to adjust from the light. He turns back around to his computer, where iMovie is open, since he was just editing his last video, and rubs his eyes once more and checks his phone for the time. Almost one o'clock in the afternoon. 

As if on cue, his stomach rumbles and Colby realizes just then how hungry he is. He decides, after a few seconds of contemplation, to take a break in editing and go grab some lunch downstairs. They have leftover sandwich meats, dressing and cheese so maybe he could make himself a sandwich and grab a soda. Something simple.

Once standing, Colby properly stretches and yawns once more, his neck and back stiff from being hunched over at his desk editing nonstop for so long. He really needs to prioritize breaks considering he loses track of the time whenever he sits down to edit (thirty minutes or five straight hours - who can tell anyways?).

Colby opens the door to his bedroom and approaches Sam's door, lightly knocking on it. It's open slightly already so he just creaks it open, peering into the room to see Sam at his desk editing, just as he was a few moments prior.

"Hey dude," Colby greets with a smile, which makes Sam turn slightly in his chair, smiling back.


"I'm just going down to grab a sandwich, you want anything? A soda or...?"

"Yeah, actually, I've been editing for a while now..." Sam trails off, turning fully in his chair to properly face Colby. "Could you grab me a Doctor Pepper?"

"Sure thing, I'll be right back."

"Thanks, bro."

"No problem, dude," Colby gives Sam a casual grin and closes the door as it was before, stepping away from his room to check anyone else's. He knows Corey, Devyn, Elton and Jake are all out of the house and he was aware of Kat's arrival sometime (he theorizes that she's downstairs) but he's unsure where Aaron is. So, approaching his friends' door, Colby lightly raps on the door with his knuckles, standing in silence for a minute before opening the door slightly .

As soon as he peaks into Aaron's room, Buddy notices him and looks up, his tail wagging happily as he stands up from within his closed off pen on the ground, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he stares up at Colby with glee. Colby makes a silly face to Buddy before looking over to Aaron's bed where he realizes his roommate is fast asleep, the blankets strewn across him as he breathes heavily. 

Colby backs up slowly and closes the door again, ensuring he's as quiet as possible for Aaron's sake. Approaching the stairwell, Sam calls out from his room, "On second thought, Colbs, could you grab me a bag of chips too? I bought some, they should just be in the cabinet next to the fridge."

Colby turns around as he begins to descend the stairway. "Sure thing, bro. One bag of chips coming right-"

Just as he says that, Colby's foot slips on the stairway and his heart drops as he feels the familiar sensation of falling. Time seems to slow down as he finds himself tumbling down the stairs, a scream ripping itself from his throat as his head slams into the wall to his right. Everything starts to get blurry when he hits the ground, his skull cracking against the hard, marble floor, his vision going black instantly.

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