one-the calm before the storm

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West Ham High was all in a frenzy. The students were still wearing their 'State Champion' football t-shirts and the last school play of the year was just around the corner.

The theatre department was a huge deal at West Ham. They were filled with dedicated and passionate actors, including Cassandra Pressman and Harry Bingham.

Brooklyn wasn't huge into theatre. She loved going to watch and support, but acting wasn't her thing. But the show was a perfect date night for her and Luke. 

"Hey Brooke." The tall jock came up to her locker. The brunet looked up at the boy. Her 5'3 frame making her look like a middle schooler next to her 6'1 boyfriend.

"Hey babe whats up?" She asked, going back to putting the books in her locker. 

"So opening night of the weird play is Friday, I hope your schedule is clear because I already pre-ordered our tickets."

"I thought this was an annual thing so of course I took it off." The sound of the locker shutting interrupted the silence between the two. Brooklyn wrapped her arms around the tall boys waste and looked up at him. "Thank you for buying them. I can't wait." She smiled.

Luke's hand tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "Anything for my princess." His lips met her forehead and the girl melted into his touch.

"Yeah yeah, we all get how adorable you two are knock it off." Jason said arriving to the two with Clark and Grizz behind him.

"I personally think Gwen and I are better." Clark said stuffing his hands in his letter jacket's pocket.

"Are you high Clark?" Luke asked, wrapping his arm around Brooklyn's shoulders. 

"Maybe." The taller one shrugged causing Brooke to roll her eyes. 

"Well I gotta go. I have a freshman mentoring today. I will catch up with you weirdos later right? After school run?"

"We're still doing those?" Grizz whined.

"Hell yeah! We gotta stay in shape!" The girl smiled.

"I'll be there." Luke told her.

"Duh, you're whipped." Jason joked earning laughs from the group. 

"I'll see you later." Brooklyn stood on her toes to kiss her boyfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled.

"Gross!" All three of the boys said. 

Brooklyn laughed at the group and walked away.


The end of the school day had arrived and Brooklyn was in the girls locker room changing into her running clothes, which consisted of black Lulu Lemon shorts and a bright pink long sleeve shirt from Nike. She laced up her black running shoes and tied her long brown hair into a ponytail before shoving her school clothes into her duffel bag and walking out.

In the hallway, Luke, Grizz, Jason, and Clark were all waiting for her.

"Jeez took you long enough." Clark said. "Thought you bailed on us."

"Dude, you're still stoned as fuck shut up." Jason said. 

"Well, I just need to run this to my car then I'm good to go." She told them, leading them to the main doors of the school.

She unlocked her white Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and threw her bags in the back seat behind the driver. 

"How far we going today anyway? For some reason I'm smelling it again. People say I am going crazy but I am convinced it is coming back, and I don't want to run with it in the air." Grizz said. 

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