eight - allie's rules

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It's been a long six months. 

Six months too long if you ask the teens.

Luke has been training people in for The Guard. Taking them on early morning runs and setting up certain situations for them to see how they take them.

As for Brooke, well she has been watching her very pregnant best friend with Sam.

The three were sitting in Becca's room. Reading child development books.

"I wanna have one." Brooke whined.

"Trust me. No you don't." Becca laughed.

"Come on. You can't say I would be a bitch ass mom. Luke would be the best dad ever." She kept flipping through the pages.

"Well not until mine comes. I want to be the first and only pregnant teen in the new world." Becca joked. "Plus you guys have to get married first. I forbid it other wise. Don' t be like me." She looked at her biting her lip. Sam was quick to notice nudging Becca.

"Wait what? You're engaged aren't you!" She yelled.

"Keep it down! Only the boys know!" 

"I am so happy for you!" Sam signed.

"Thanks Sam. But I promise you this now. I don't care what Luke says, when we have kids you two will be the god parents." Becca and Sam both fist bumped.

"The kid will be spoiled." Sam joked making the two laugh.

The fun was cut short when it was time for the mandatory meeting. 

"Well, it's been fun." Becca pulled on a very baggy jacket to hide her belly. "Let's roll."

The three walked into the church together, and sat in their usual spot. 

"I find it funny how no one sits here." Sam signed.

"Because they know it's our spot." Becca told him with a smile.

"Hey guys thanks for coming. First we have an updated from Gwen with the classes that we offer at the school." Allie said standing out of the way for Gwen.

"So uh new class sign up sheets are posted in the church lobby. Um we've just added an improv class, and due to popular demand a second jiu-jitsu class. Oh and finally, I hope to see you all tomorrow for movie night."

"Thank you Gwen. Okay, I just want to remind everybody that this Thursday is Thanksgiving." Brooke's eyes widened as she looked at Luke, his expression matching hers. "so bring all your recipes to Will so that he can make sure that you guys all have the right ingredients. Next we have an update on the committee on resources."

"What about the committee on going home?" Lexie asked from the back.

"Gordie and Bean promised me a report on Thursday."

"Are we going home?"

"Not before Thursday. Will?" 

"Okay, So we just finished our audit on food supplies, and based on our current rationing we have enough to carry us through spring. This winter won't be a problem but our food won't last forever. We all knew that. It'll start to run low by next summer."

"So we're all going to fucking starve?" Erika asked.

"No. Of course not." Allie said, pushing Will out of the way. "We just gotta change the way we do things. We have a plan. Grizz?"

"Um ... so after Thanksgiving I'm going to lead a search party to look for farmland and for alternative food supplies. If anyone wants to join me, I'm looking for four or five volunteers to come along with me-"

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