nine - poison

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"Okay, I am done with dinner, and since Helena, Gordie, and Allie are all over there. I am going to get some pie." Brooke stated standing up and walking over. "Gordie can you cut me a piece?" She smiled walking up.

"Sure." He laughed cutting a piece of the pie. Even though it already had cool whip, she piled more on there. "You have some sweet tooth." Gordie joked.

"I know." She laughed. "Thanks Gordie." She smiled walking away. 

"Jesus Christ Brooklyn did you save any cool whip for everyone else." Jason freaked.

"Fuck off Jason, it makes the pie ten times better than it already is." 

"Hey everyone" Helena greeted. "Hi. Um. First I want to thank Brooke for her amazing song that really expressed what most of us were thinking. You have a true talent." Brooke smiled chowing on her pie. "So at Thanksgiving, my mom used to ask us to say what we're thankful for." The crowd groaned causing Brooke to laugh. "Oh come on. Nobody? Do I need to go first."

"Alright." Jason stood up. "Um ... I'm thankful for how hard my team fought at touch football." The crowd erupted into cheers as Jason went to sit down. "Oh, and I'm thankful that Luke hasn't lost is throwing arm. Let's give it up for Luke!" Brooke clapped looking at her fiance as he fist pumped. Jason nudged Clark as we sat down, making Clark stand.

"Um, I'm thankful I can get stoned everyday without my parents on my ass." Clark said. Brooke laughed rolling her eyes. "Though, I miss them giving me a hard time." 

"Well I'm thankful for Clark." Allie said standing up. "For saying what we've all been thinking. You know, we all .. miss home. We miss our moms, dads. What we want to say is, 'wait for us' you know... we'll find our way back. I also want to say thank you to everyone who cooked tonight! And to Brooke for not cooking anything!" Brooke laughed flipping her off. "Toast, a toast! To all the cooks!" Brooke raised her glass of wine and clinked with Luke. She quickly stood up before someone else could to go next.

"Um, I have something I'm really thankful for. I'm gonna marry Luke." She smiled playing with his hair. "Who does still have his throwing arm, and he's also the love of my life. You're all invited, it's gonna be the first wedding in the new world. So hit me up if you know how to make a wedding cake because you all don't want a cake I made. Jason, Clark. I would be honored if you two and Grizz walked me down the asile, and Becca! You will be my maid of honor." She said, still running her fingers through Luke's hair.. Becca's face lit up and she covered her mouth.

"Hell yeah man!" Jason jumped up fist pumping causing everyone to laugh. Allie jumped up hugging Brooke.

"Congratulations!" She squealed.

"Dessert to celebrate!" Gwen yelled out. Brooke walked over to where Becca was sitting, hugging her from behind/

"I seriously do not deserve that.because I treated you like shit-"

"But we made up and passed that so, after your done with ... you know. We are going dress shopping ... well taking." Becca smiled nodding. 

"Okay we're ready." Bean said. 

"Ope, I gotta go sit back down." Brooke ran back to her spot. 

"Okay, we are going to put on a play for you right now that's never been done before. Can I have a situation from the audience please?" 

"Thanksgiving dinner!" Clark yelled

"So imaginative Clark." Gwen mumbled. 

"Rap battle!"

"Rainy day!" 

"Football game!'

"Field trip!" 

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