[21] Just Follow My Move

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It had grown darker. The smell of blood didn't cease, it continued to linger and they were growing accustomed to it. The farther in they walked, the less Orient crystals there were.

"This is odd..." Fieth said, looking up at the ceiling.

There were small holes across its surface, it was becoming bare and the area darkening. It was as if...

"I've been thinking of this for a while now, I might not know much, but a mine without light is..." Claire spoke out.

Alicia nodded, "...stupid."

"The beasts may have taken them, between humans and monsters, monsters clearly have an advantage at night," Fieth said.

Claire nodded, glancing at the group with strained eyes, "So we only have two people that can fight in the dark?"

Alicia nodded confidently, "Leave it to me."

Aura shuddered, her head dropped down and she muttered words that no one could hear.

"Don't be so sure," Fieth quickly intervened, bringing his hand forward.

"Oh flames of the goddess Ishtar, grant me your powers and shine a light before my path, <Fire Orb>."

There was a small spark within the air before an ignition of fire took place. It slowly rolled around before forming a small ball of flame.

Aura took a step back, gulping at the sight.

"It's alright," Fieth spoke slowly, looking back and enunciating his words, "I can control this one, remember?"

Aura nodded, tightening her grip on the back and smiling awkwardly.

Claire looked between the two before asking, "You know magic?"

"It's a basic spell. I only know a bit," He shook his head, "I'm not adept enough at magic to use it in combat. Making a fire orb is about as much as I'm capable of."

"Can you keep it up?" Claire asked.

Aura spoke for him, "It's a one-time cast type...I think...it should only cost mana to shrink or expand it."

"Mhmm," Fieth nodded, "It follows the same concept as a <Fireball>, the only difference is that this one perpetually remains until I relinquish it. I can control it with my mind, but it would usually just stay in place otherwise."

With that thought, the group continued walking. The passage was slowly narrowing the longer they moved. To the point where they had for a single line.

However, it wasn't long that they crawled through the narrowed passage before walking out into a new space.

The area was wide. It looked like a small colosseum in size and space alone. The walls were darkish gray and the roof reached up even taller than the main entrance. It looked like a group of birds could sore across it at any moment. There were carts along the side, broken, and tools littered the floor. The place was hollow and Claire thought it must have been at least the size of a basketball stadium without the sits.

"That's...that's a camp isn't it?" Aura muttered.

"Yes," Fieth spoke with a heavy heart and enlarging the fire orb and slowly pulling it into the air until the entire area was covered in light.

There was a wooden tower, small and crude, standing before a large gaping hole in the ground, there were two goblins atop it. Surrounding that tower were small tents, and around those were grotesque beings. Monsters of green skin and short statures, they had long sharp ears and even sharper teeth, there was a burning fire before them..

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن