[30] Crystal Globe. . .it has to do with ice.

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A shadow blurred, passing over corpses—most of which had either been brutally smashed into blood and gore or killed in a single piece of a weapon. In essence, only half of them looked as if they could have been done by the Hero of Heart, the other half could only have been completed by her companions.

"What a massacre," It muttered, flickering into a building which doors had been smashed open.

There, she came upon a crimson gem.

'Wow, she wasn't lying at all,' The figure thought as it circled the gem.

With all of the Goblins deader than dead, the final investigations into the mines owned by Black Lagoon proceeded smoothly and ended rather early in the morning.

A clunk rang on the counter and Claire stared at the pouch. She opened it then looked back up with puzzlement.

"There are more than 2 gold coins here."

"Yes. 2 gold coins for accomplishing the request, and 5 more for the Philosopher's Stone. Making a total of 700 silver coins."

"I was given extra for the stone?"

"Yes. They are valuable for beasts and demons, but even more so for humans. 'Consuming' one and willing it will increase the rank of a skill or one of your status plates. The higher the rank already is, the larger or more numerous a Philosopher's Stone is needed. You could have sold it yourself, but you left it there."

"So, the Guild stole my prize without notifying me that I could have taken it for myself?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

Clara was forthright in speaking. She hid nothing as she felt she had no reason to. There was a perpetual light smile on her face as she looked at the crass girl before her. She found it all a bit humorous.

"And how much is it worth?"

"Oh, with how big it was, maybe 50 gold coins. Certainly could leap an F ranked skill or plate to that of at least the C+ rank. Any higher a rank and it might only get it up a minor rank at most."

"So the adventure guild robbed me?"

"No, that's not too right, we gave you 5 gold coins."

". . ."

". . ."

"I see."

Claire left, grimacing slightly.

"What's next?" Alicia tilted her head when they came outside, to which Claire placed a hand on her shoulder.


She blinked her eyes as a world of ice came into view. All around her was snow. From the fluttering white in the air to the layers of it beneath her feet. She walked, her figure seemed to transcribe the landscape in the blink of an eye, the scenery blurred away, and she came upon a tower that reached the sky. Her sword would be somewhere in this realm, as well.

"Do you feel any coldness?"


Alicia thought for a bit and shook her head, her eyes curiously staring at the tower that had once imprisoned her.

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu