[43] Broken

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With their food acquired, and as they gazed out into a world of snow from within a Crystal Tower, Claire turned to Alice.

"Let's complete the next floor before we bath, shall we?"

And with a thought, they disappeared.

[Welcome back, I've missed you.]

That ancient voice rang as they stood within a large hall of ice. Claire immediately wanted to roll her eyes but kept herself from that.

"Glad to see you again too, teacher-whom-has-taught-me-nothing."

[. . .I take back what I said.]

In front of them floated a clear orb. The Crystal Globe, but both Claire and Alicia ignored it as the ice queen spoke.

"Oh don't look so speechless. I would like to challenge the third floor now, please."

[. . .you can't even see me, how do you know what I look like?]

"I can tell."

The ancient voice sighed at her clear certainty.

[Third floor of the Crystal Tower rewards a 'Dragon's Heart.']

"Sounds fantastical, what does it do?"

[You'll know its power when you attain it. If you can. For I should warn you, this may be the hardest battle you have yet to face—especially for an ice wielder such as yourself. Furthermore, this challenge must be faced alone.]

"Oh. . ." Claire said.


"No, I just realized I brought Alice for nothing. Hey, Alice, I'll meet you back in our room, wait for me."

Alicia frowned momentarily, but soon nodded, "Alright."

With a thought on Claire's part, the girl disappeared.

[. . .]

"What? Start the challenge, Ice-ghost."

[Gah—I hope you get injured.]

"Oi that's just uncalled f—."

Claire found her words caught in her throat as heat permeated her skin. She stood within a chamber of red rock, surrounded on all sides as lava flowed within the walls. The place was circular, similar to an arena, and in front of her, a creature flapped its wings as flames escaped its lips in small spurts.

". . .a fire breathing dragon?" She tilted her head.

The creature looked like a dragon. It had the red-scaled body, the tail, and the wings. However, its wings were combined with its upper limbs—resembling that of a pterodactyl—and it was far too small. It looked down on her from within the air and its beak-like mouth opened into a screech.

"No, a lesser dragon. A wyvern." Claire finalized as flames pierced through the sky.

Her body moved and she ran, dodging as heat seared the ground behind her. The lesser-dragon did not let up. Its fire breath followed her movements through the circular arena and soon, a ring of flames had been made.

Seeing a wall of fire before her, Claire's mana churned as she ran into the center of the arena.

'I need to bring it down first, it has air-superiority.' Ice spears manifested themselves about her location. Hundreds of them rolling and sharpened to their deepest hardness.

Flames came from her front and she raised a hand forward, azure swirling into an ice wall that met the torrent as the spears flew.

As soon as the two elements clashed, mist spasmed.

Ice Queen in Another World V1  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now