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Jisoo's POV

It's been three weeks since the cheating incident happened.

Jisoo went to Paris to clear her mind from everything, no one knows where she is except her parents. She deactivate all her account and turn-off her mobile phone. She spend her day walking around Paris, listening to music and reading books while sipping her favourite coffee. For three weeks of accepting and moving on, she can tell she's better now.

Jisoo arrived in the airport, she get her phone and immediately call her mom telling that she's about to home.

When Jisoo told her parents what happened through call her dad immediately went to her ex fiancé's house and beat the shit out him.

When Jisoo got home she decided to call Jennie and she's ready to tell everything why she canceled her own wedding.

She's also aware that her friends are really worried about her. But she really need to give herself time to be alone, her friends will understand her for sure.

Jisoo opened the window of the taxi cab she's riding, smelling the cold breezed. "She's right, I'm thankful that I found out before it's too late" Jisoo smiled when she remembered the tall girl named Lisa who comfort her that time.


After a month of adjusting, finally Lisa have her own place. Using her own savings she bought a small apartment and a truck-car that she can use everyday for work, she's working as a barista/cashier in a cafe.

The truth is, Lisa doesn't even know how to operate any machine in said cafe but eventually she able to work on it.

"Lis, we're going to open in few, the volume of your fans is double by five, look at the line outside. It's gonna be along day" It's the manager of the cafe who said it.

All of Lisa's my co-workers laughed. Since the day Lisa started to work there the sales went up and the regular customers doubled, students from the university, workers from prestigious company and random people who just want to see her lined up.

Lisa put her apron she double check herself one last time before going out in the changing room.

"You got this Lis" She said to herself and smile.

The next day.

While Jisoo is driving on the way to her office she saw a very long line outside a cafe that she's not familiar with.

"Is that a new cafe? I've been away for only three weeks, but the line is really long, maybe the coffee taste good, I'll visit that cafe some other time."

When Jisoo arrived she was greeted by her employees. Her secretary is waiting in the door to get her things.

"Ms.Kim Welcome back"

Jisoo nod. "What's my schedule for today Mina?"

"Two meeting Ma'am, 10 am with Mr. Lee, 2pm with Mr. Song. Also your friends, Ms. Jennie and Ms. Roseanne are already inside your office"

Jisoo's Office 🏢

"Unnie!" Jennie shouted as she saw Jisoo walking inside her office. Jennie and Rosé immediately gave her hug.

"Unnie! Why didn't you contact us soon? We are very worried about you" Jennie said while holding Jisoo's hand.

"We looked everywhere for you, we even went to your parents house but they didn't even told us where you are" Rosé said while pouting.

Jisoo smiled, she asked her friends to sit. She end up telling everythinh including the girl in the rooftop except for her name.

"THAT BITCH!! THAT'S WHY SHE'S NOT ANSWERING MY CALLS!!" Jennie yelled she grabbed her purse and about to leave.

"Where you going Jennie?" Jisoo asked, surprised when she saw Rosé is also walking outside her office with Jennie.

"I'm going to kill that bitch! We're all bestfriends since we're wearing diapers and she have a gut to do that to you? I'm going to slap her 50 times until my hand is numb" Jennie answered.

Jisoo smile, she hold Jennie and Rosé hand to make them stop.

"Don't worry guys, I already slapped her twice. You don't need to waste your energy for someone like her"

"Are you sure you are okay now Unnie?" Rosé asked worriedly.

Again, Jisoo gave her friends a warm smile.

"Yes I am. That night I cried it all out. That's why I went to Paris to clear my mind, to relax and sort things out. I'm really okay now"

Jennie and Rosé sigh in relief.

"That's wonderful Unniex hearing you say that I'm relieved. Also thanks to that girl you're with that time if you saw her again tell us we want to treat her big time" Rosé stated.

"That's for sure, but for let me make it up to you guys, let's eat outside and it's my treat. I'll just tell Mina to adjust my meeting."

"Yes!" Chaeyoung and Jennie said at the same time.

Inside the car

Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé are jamming to somebody else by The 1975 when they passed by the cafe that Jisoo saw a while ago.
"Oh Jesus, the line still long?" Jisoo said.

"Believe me Jisoo, the coffee is good tho bu---" Rosé was cut by Jennie.

"But the Barista who serves the coffee is the one they're really visiting and not the coffee itself" Jennie winked to Rosé that make Rosé laughed.

"Jesus Jennie, you went to see her?" Rosé asked with amusement in her voice. "You fall in line just to see her?"

Jennie laughed.

"I was with Joy and we got really curious and we found out that the Barista is really gorgeous as hell. Joy and I tried to flirt with her and guess what" Jennie asked still giving her friends guess what look.

"You got rejected" Rosé answered with confidence and laughed even more.

Jennie's eyes widened. "Omg! Don't tell me yoy got rejected too?" Jennie can't stopped laughing when Rosé nod to her question.

Jisoo got shocked that her three friends got rejected with the same person. This is the first time she heard her friends got rejected.

"Is she really that gorgeous?" Jisoo asked.

"She is" Rosé and Jennie said at the same time.

"I tried to flirt with her twice but she still reject me, I didn't even know her name, because their name plate was a cartoon character I did asked some staff there but they refused to answer me, I just know that she was ca--" Jennie cut again Chaeyoung.

"Bulbasaur! I tried to flirt with her twice too but still failed. Gosh that woman is really hard to get" Jennie said massaging her temple when she remembered how that girl declined her invitation.

"She must be gorgeous that the two of you got hooked and willing to wait in that long line just to see her" Jisoo said while she parked the car in the restaurant. I should pay her a visit soon to check for myself"

"You should Jisoo, see it for yourself. So you knew we're night lying, and maybe just maybe your straight ass we'll have curves" Rosé said that made Jennie laughed.

Jisoo smiled. "Let's see about that but for now let's have some steak and chicken" Jisoo happily  grab her two friends inside the restaurant.

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