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That night Jisoo got jealous, Lisa cooked her favorite chicken of course and baked some cookies as well, she also explain that Irene and her is just friends that Irene is dating Wendy but still..

Jealous Jisoo is jealous Jisoo, but Jisoo said sorry for making her lip bled and that they did some you know.

When Jisoo's mom left after dinner, and it's weekend, Jisoo and her family is going to meet Marco Bruschweiler.

Surprisingly Lisa's mom is also in the country and Lisa told Jisoo to meet her the next day after their important meeting that Jisoo forgot to tell Lisa who is she going to meet.

Wang Thai Restaurant

"Hello, Sister." It was Taehyung he's early today.

"You're so early today, Oh yes it's about Bruschweiler that's why you are very prepared" Jisoo said and continue typing a message to her monkey.

She's wearing a black classy dress above the knee and heels, simple earings, rolex watch and necklace that Lisa gave her a week ago.

"I met Suga last week, he told me everything about your new girlfriend, I heard she's a surgeon, you have taste I could say that but not very practical you should marry or like at least someone in the same line with us to make the company bigger.

"I'm not like you, It's not all about money" Jisoo said.

"Quiet you two!" It was Mr.Kim can you please just for today no fighting, V please behave"

"Whatever you say dad"

Then someone approach them, it was Mrs.Jung wife of a senator she greeted the Kims.

"Hello, Eleonor. I just want to asked your daughter something is that alright?"

"Yeah sure of course" Eleonor replied.

"How did you get that necklace?" She said to Jisoo.

Jisoo touched her necklace and got confused.

Mrs. Jung is a jewelry addict

"My girlfriend gave it to me" Jisoo said respectfully to older woman.

"OMG! How did she get that? Can I touch it?"

"Sure" Jisoo said while she's looking at her mom.

"It's genuine, Eleonor. Your daughter's girlfriend surely is very rich, do you know how much is this?"

"I have no idea" Jisoo said.

She don't really fancy jewelry that much, is that Lisa gave it to her that's why she's wearing it.

"That cost 2 million Euro darling. I can't even get one myself money is not a problem but it's very hard to get one, they only made three of that kind necklace every 15 years, yours is actuallly personalized with KJ initial on it. If I'm going to calculate it that must be 2.3M in my opinion. Oh well thank you for letting me touch it. I'll go now"

Jisoo's mom and dad is just looking at her like waiting for an explanation while V is raising his eyebrow hearing the worth of Jisoo's necklace.

"I have no idea, mom she just gave me this a week ago"

"I have no words for that Jisoo" Eleonor said and laughed her dad was just confused. He knows that Lisa is a great surgeon but a 24 year old surgeon that can afford a jewelry like that? Even Taehyung can't buy that for himself without asking him money.

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