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"OMG Cass! You look so good!" Laila admits. She came early to help me get ready for my party. We have ten minutes before everyone is supposed to be here.

"Thanks. And thanks for helping me with my hair and makeup. Your a lifesaver."

"Anytime girl. Let's go down stairs people should be here any minute now." I agree and we walk down the stairs. It was a little difficult because I'm wearing slight heels considering I'm a midget. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. I walk across the overly decorated living room and to the door. I open it and it reveals SO MANY PEOPLE. Tony was in front of the crowd and he pulled me into a tight hug and spun me around.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASS!" he yells before putting me down. I laugh and he hands me a box.

"Tony you didn't have to-"

"Sorry Cass But judging by the crowd there are going to be a lot more where that came from." He says before stepping aside and pointing to people.
"Cass this is my brother and sister, Liam and Lacy."

"Hi guys thanks for coming." I say while pulling them into a hug. When we let go they walk into my house and the next group approaches me.

"Cassidy!" Luke yells and gives me a hug.
"This is my little brother, Ryan and my big sister, Karen." I say hello and Peter approaches me. We greet each other and he introduces me to hid family. Followed by Riley and her family. I was about to close the door when a foot stopped it. I looked up and saw Tommy standing there with his arms open for a hug. I jump into his arms and we hug tightly.

"Cassy!" We pull apart and I look to his little sister, Mary.

"Hey Mary."I pick her up and hug her. "I haven't seen you in so long. You got so big!"

"You look vewy pwetty Cassy." I laugh at her lisp.

"Thank you. So do you." I put her down and we walk into my house to join the party. We all danced and sang at the top of our lungs before someone pulled me away from the crowd and up to my bedroom. I didn't get to see who it was until the door was closed behind me and I look around my room to see the rest of the gang.

"Okaaaay. What's up?" I ask suspiciously before sitting on my bed with everyone else.

"We just wanted to give you our presents in private." Peter explains I nod.

"You guys really didn't have to it's-"

"Cassidy you deserve it." I sigh and Luke hands me a small envelope.

"What's this?" I ask.

"This is from all of us." I nod and gently open the envelope carefully not to rip its contents. Inside is a small slip of paper. I examine it and gasp as I read it. I places a hand over my mouth and look up at my friends who all have a huge smile on their lips.

"Seriously?" They all nod.

"WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!" They all yell at the same time. I jump up and attack them in a huge group hug. I can't believe they remember me saying how I would go to Disney World every year with my family. Once my parents died I just went with my brother. I told them this would be the first year I didn't go.
"Thank you Guys so much!"

"All right all right. Now open my present." Peter says handing me a box. I tear open the paper to reveal a small Polaroid camera. I do the rest with everyone else's presents. I got swimsuits, clothes and makeup from the girls. A movie night kit from Luke that had snacks, candy, movies and games. Lastly was Tony's. He hands me the small box and I open it to reveal a small necklace with the Disney castle on it. I ask him to put it on for me and he does. I thank everyone and we head back downstairs. No one was in the living room anymore. I looked around confused before I heard noise from the kitchen. I walked in and saw everyone standing around a cake with candles in it. I smiled as Luke pushed me into a chair  in front of the cake.  Mary walked over to me and I pulled her onto my lap. Everyone sang happy birthday and the boys purposefully singing off key causing me to laugh. They finish the song (thankfully) and all stare at me.

"Bwow our the candles Cassy!" Mary says to me.

"Can you help me." I say smiling at her. I knew this was her favorite part of her birthday. She smiles widely and counts from three to one. On one we both blow and the candles blow out. Everyone claps and we dig in to the cake. After the entire cake is devoured all twenty of us scattered around my messy living room and watched a movie. About halfway through there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." Tommy said thankfully because I was crushed under Peter. He was only gone for ten seconds before he comes back and looks at me.
"It's for you." He says before sitting back down. I look at him skeptically before pushing Peter off of me. I walked up to the door and opened it. I was taken a back to see Noah standing on my porch with a cookie dough ice cream cone in his hand and an envelope.

"Happy birthday Cass." He says quietly before extending his arms forward to hand me the ice cream and card. It was a tradition that every year on my birthday he got me ice cream. I reach out to except the present but can't do it. Fuck it! I throw myself into his arms and he quickly responds my wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm so, so sorry C." He whispers into my neck.

"I missed you so much." I say into His chest before pulling apart.

"Where have you been Cass. You pave changed so much in the passed week?" I can tell he's concerned. I sigh. I've been doing that a lot lately.

"Noah don't you understand? You three were the only people I trusted. And you lied to me. About something SO big. I miss you so much Noah. But I-I'm Sorry. I just can't forgive you yet." I say with tears running down my cheeks. I expect him to be mad at me but instead he wraps me into his arms again and kisses the top of my head.

"I understand C. And I'm so, so sorry that we did that to you. Just promise...promise me you won't forget about me. And Brent. Please Cassidy. We love you sooooo much." I nod as we pull away. He hands me the ice cream and the card.
"I'll see you later Cassidy. Thank you for listening to me." He says before turning around and walking away.

"By Noah. I-I love you." He freezes and turns around.

"I love you too C. Happy Birthday." And with that he left and tears are still running down my cheeks I turn around and see Tony standing there with open arms. Before I even closed the door I gave in and stepped into his embrace.

"Everything will be okay Cass." He whispers as I silently sob. The thing is though... I believe him.

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