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The entire walk to the beach I explained to them what happened. They agreed that I should have a talk with Asher another day. We payed out on the beach for hours before finally deciding to go home. The walk home we talked about Tony.

"Wow he really is like a big brother to you." Riley says.

"Yeah we kinda just have that type of relationship. He even started calling me his little sister."

"Are you Okay with that."

"Yea. I know he's not trying to replace Ethan. I know he just cares for me like a brother and I'm okay with that. It's nice to have a brotherly figure in my life again."I explain earning nods and 'awww' s from both girls. When we reached the door we opened it and saw that all of the boys were sitting in the kitchen. I guess Tony and Asher made up which makes me happy but I'm still dreading the day I have to confront Asher. We join the boys and tell them about our day. We spend dinner enjoying our time together as a family.

1 and 1/2 weeks later

"BRENT THE LID!" shit.

"Sorry." He forgot to put the lid on the blender before making a blueberry smoothie. This kid I swear is going to be the death of me.

"Just clean it up please. I have to go lay down." I say walking away. I passed Peter on the stairs and he seemed pretty concerned.

"You Alright Cass?"

"I'm fine" I say as I continue to walk up to my bedroom. Once I get there I close my door and lay down. About an hour later there was a soft knock on the door.
"Come in" I say and the door opens revealing Asher and Tony.

"Hey you Okay?" Asher asks as they sit at the foot of my bed.

"No. I've felt like shit for the passed three days and I'm getting really tired of it."

"I'm sorry Cassidy. Just try to get some rest." Thats what I did. As soon as they left my eye lids became too heavy to keep open and I was overcome by sleep.

The next morning

I woke up at 6 am with a bad feeling in my stomach. I immediately jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom. As soon as I get there I begin getting sick in the toilet. After about ten minutes I am able to go back to bed and I wake up again at 10 am. I get dressed and go to the living room to greet everyone. They all say good morning to me as I sit down on the couch with them to watch sponge bob. About two episodes in I get the same feeling in my stomach and I run to the bathroom. As I'm throwing up in the bathroom I feel a presence enter the bathroom. After 15 minutes I sit down in the floor and see that everyone is standing outside of the open door except for Riley and Laila who are sitting next to me rubbing my back. I look up at them.

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't think this would happen again."

"What do you mean again sweetie?" Riley asks rubbing my back.

"This happened earlier this morning. And yesterday morning. I didn't have a fever so I didn't want to say anything." I earn sympathetic looks from all of my friends before Laila speaks up.

"Boys why don't you guys go to the beach or something and we will take care of Cassidy. It will be easier for her to recover with out all the noise. We also don't want to get everyone in the house sick." The boys nod and tell me to feel better before leaving. I stand up and Riley and Laila walk me up to my room and lay me down.

"So do you want to go to the doctor Cass?" I shake my head.

" I don't have a fever so I think I will be okay." I explain.

"Well what have your symptoms been?" Riley asks.

"Well I get headaches super easily which is why everyone has been irritating me lately, whenever I wake up my stomach lurches and I'm always tired." The girls look at each other.

" Alright Cass. Don't freak out at what I'm about to say. We are not trained in panic attacks but, do you think maybe you could possibly be pregnant?" Laila asks cautiously.

"What? No. Asher and I used a condom."

"Did you get your period this month?"

"Well no. But-"

"Condoms are only effective 97% of the time." Laila says mater of factly. And knowing my luck I probably am part of the 3%.

"Wait. You guys don't seriously think..." they stay silent. "Shit you guys are serious."

"I'll be right back" Laila leaves the room and comes back with a pregnancy test.
"I had a pregnancy scare last year and I never remembered to take this out of my purse." She explains while handing me the test. I sigh.

"Am I really about to do this." They send me sympathetic looks as I walk into the bathroom. I do my business and leave the test on the bathroom counter before walking back into my room.
"Guys What am I going to do if I AM pregnant? I mean I'm only 18 and Asher and I are barely speaking right now."

"Everything will be okay Cass. We are all here for you." As she finishes her sentence my phone beeped signaling that it was time to see the results. I took a deep breathe before walking into the bathroom.

"Good luck" both girls say as I enter the room. I take one last deep breathe before flipping over the test. I keep my eyes closed because I was too scared to look at the results. Why am I so scared? We used a condom, I doubt I'm ACTUALLY pregnant. I open my eyes and look at the test

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