Chapter 4

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Selene was walking through the academy hall towards a room for a checkup of her documents and picture she taken not a while back. She slid the door open reviling Sarutobi and another instructor beside him. "Ah Selene, take a seat." Sarutobi announced and Selene followed the command.

After a few minutes Sarutobi placed the papers down and smiled at Selene. "You're all set Selene, here's your ID badge. Congratulations." Sarutobi spoke with a smile placing the ID badge on the front of his desk which Selene took glancing down at it seeing her emotionless look, a flash of memory past through her mind, a picture of her old family, before she was reborn. She remembered her smiling in every picture, but now that precious and genuine smile was long as gone.

"Thank you Lord 3rd for the chance on becoming a kunoichi of Konoha, I'll treasure this title and protect Konoha till my last breath." Selene muttered appreciative and seriously, with a burning determination in her eyes bowing slightly before glancing in his eyes. "Don't be so serious Selene, you're still a Genin and a young one at that. You still have a long life ahead of you. Plus it was all you Selene, we cant have promising ninjas dwindle away as a civilian. But I must warn you that without the usage of jutsu's it'll be much harder for you." Sarutobi spoke genuine before serious making Selene nod.

"I understand Lord 3rd." Selene muttered before walking out. 'From the report Iruka filed in Selene is the protege of this new generation excluding the use of jutsu's. She might not be able to use jutsu's but she can be counted as a powerhouse with beyond imaginable chakra control and reserves.' Sarutobi thought before Naruto barged into the room making him sigh remembering the picture he took. 'I sometimes forget that both Naruto and Selene are from the same clan.' Sarutobi thought sighing.

Selene was out in the academy training grounds as today was a day off to give everyone time to get their things ready. She was sitting there on the ground in a lotus position focusing on her chakra, she kept on trying to figure out what to do to compensate for her loss of jutsu.

'I just need an idea...just some stupid idea nothing special to work seemed so easy when other anime characters brought up a plan or technique so how can...' Selene thought before she shot up to her feet. "Anime characters!" Selene exclaimed with a bright idea. 'I'm not chained down to just Naruto! I can use other techniques from other animes! Just like I did with strengthening my chakra!' Selene thought.

She brought her hands in front of her spreading her palms out concentrating and pushing her chakra out into her palms. She then continued to bring them down to her hip twisting her hands making a ball and unconsciously shifting the air inside making friction. She felt a burning sensation in her palms yet warming while some light escaped her finger holes.

"Kamehameha!" She yelled out pushing her chakra out yet the said chakra exploded out from her hands making her eyes widen. A giant kamehameha beam exploded out from her hands down the open field completely missing the wooded posts. She reluctantly moved it up into the sky blasting a piece of tree leaves which evaporated.

She released the beam and fell to her knees feeling her 2/3 of chakra depleted while sweat soaked through her clothes and went down her skin. 'I can't believe number one anime, the most known technique...I performed it, but why was the beam scorching gold colour?' Selene thought fascinated. This level of attack must be of Kage level, it can defeat armies of shinobi.

"Selene-chan!" Came a yell making Selene flinch and snap her head back before sighing in relief seeing Naruto with Konohamaru behind him following suit. "Ah, Naruto...what are you doing here?" Selene spoke standing up swiping away the sweat.

"We were passing by for training and saw a huge golden light shooting into the sky can you believe that?! But when we came here we saw you! Believe it!" Naruto yelled out gensturing with his hands around with a bright awe same like Konohamaru who followes suit. "By the way you said training..." Selene muttered.

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