Chapter 16

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"Sasuke/Naruto!" Both Naruto and Sasuke yelled out performing their famous jutsu's, rasengan and chidori. Sakura stared in fright seeing both her teammates, her comrades, her friends trying to kill each other. 'I've got to do something!' Sakura thought dashing forward enhancing her body with chakra. The trio were about to collide but nothing happened, everything stopped and was reverted to peace in a split second. 

Sasuke and Naruto were laying down on the ground groaning in fatigue and pain, in that split second something had forced them down to the ground. They pushed themselves to a sitting position before their eyes widened seeing Selene standing in the middle of it all, holding a rasengan in one hand and chidori in the other hand which was burning her hand which kept regenerating itself. She sent a death glare to both Naruto and Sasuke making them freeze in fear, having their bodies paralysed from the intense pressure. 

"Are you fucking idiots!?" Selene yelled out crashing both rasengan and chidori in her hands shocking them at her power. "Do you even know what would of happened if the jutsu's connected!? Both you would be dead! And taking Sakura with you!" Selene yelled out applying her chakra to her voice making them tremble feeling their hearts stopping, their souls crushing under the pressure. "Sakura you okay?" Selene asked normally suppressing her intimidating self making everyone breath of a sigh of relief. "Y-Yeah...I'm fine." Sakura muttered out.

"I get a promotion to a Special-Jounin and I find out my two friends are trying to kill each other. I wasn't planning on spending my day like this." Selene muttered looking around unhappy. "You both better go and think about what you've done today, and cool off your heads." Selene muttered walking by Sakura. "When you get the time, come find me at team 7 training grounds." Selene whispered to Sakura leaving. She made it past the door before giving out a painful gasp grasping her eyes feeling them burn. 'This again...the hell's happening?' Selene thought rubbing her eyes which were burning. 

Selene was down at team 7 training ground still unable to open her eyes for some reason, they didn't burn anymore yet they weren't cooperating with her unable to be opened. Yet it felt very weird, as if something was shifting, changing in her eyes. 'This feeling...its familiar yet foreign...' Selene thought in a cultivated state feeling her soul burning within her, the scorching flames of someone else. She focused on the sensation trying to get deeper into the state before everything exploded drowning her in her own power, yet it didn't feel like it tried to kill her no, it felt like it led her somewhere. 

Jiraiya was leaning against a tree spying on Selene, seeing her meditating, yet it was unusual. Her chakra calmly was circling around her like a protective shield of sorts. 'That feeling I got when I saw her at the rooftop...same feeling like back in Tanzaku, feels so oddly familiar but I can't grasp what it is...' Jiraiya thought looking at Selene. 

'This...this is...this is my soul.' Selene thought seeing the bright scorching flame of gold with a golden dragon overlapping around it protectively with red eyes. It looked like a statue yet you could feel its presence, presence of a great deity. 'I see you've come back...on your own.' The dragon spoke telepathically making Selene recognise the voice from back then, the Dragon God of Destruction, her own self, her prior state...her original form. 'I guess I have...'

Flashback to a month before chunin exams:

After Selene lost consciousness she woke up in a dark void, floating in mid air feeling a very strange feeling sarroudning her, a feeling of something deity like. 'Seems you're reaching your power, human.' Came a voice from inside Selene's mind yet she stayed calm while looking around. 'Who are you? Why have you summoned me?' Selene asked yet was shocked that her mouth didn't move, was she talking telepathically? 'I am the Dragon God of Destruction...something not from this world, or any other dimension...I was created by you, my creator.' The dragon spoke surprising and confusing Selene.

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