3 - Remedial Goodness 101

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It was almost time for curfew, and I decided that staying out at the enchanted lake until 10:00pm was a good idea. As I was walking back to Auradon Prep, I caught sight of Carlos and Jay.

"What are you guys doing out here so late?" I asked, seeing as they were headed in the opposite direction of the school.

"I could ask you the same thing." Jay said, crossing his arms. Carlos stumbled over his feet and stood beside Jay, also crossing his arms.

"I'm headed back to the school." I countered, shifting my weight. "Where are you boys heading?"

"The dorms!"

"The cafeteria!" Both boys said at the same time. I raised an eyebrow at them, tilting my head to the side.

"Uh huh." I nod. "Okay, I'm too tired to deal with you both. See you in remedial goodness tomorrow."

"Goodnight!" Carlos called as I walked away.

"Evil dreams!" Jay called out.

"Have fun." I called back, shuffling back to the school.


The next morning, I shuffled into remedial goodness with a scowl on my face. I sat beside Carlos and glared up at Fairy Godmother.

"Why are you in this class?" Jay asked, leaning over his table. "I thought you Auradon princesses were supposed to be good."

"She's here because she's been using her magic to get detention." Fairy Godmother answered Jay's questions.

"Conjuring a snowman and making it snow in the courtyard should not have gotten me a detention." I snapped, huffing and folding my arms over my chest.

"It wasn't a snowman!" Fairy Godmother shook her head. "It was a snow monster and he was out of control!"

"Marshmallow wouldn't have hurt anyone." I defended. Fairy Godmother sighed and composed herself. She walked over to the board and pointed to the first question. I tuned her out and began freezing the surface of my desk, turning it into a little ice rink. I made an itty bitty snowman and watched him skate around the frost I made. I helped him up with my pinky as he fell, laughing softly.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it?" Fairy Godmother asked. "B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out its heart? Evie?"

"What was the second one?"

"Oh, okay." Fairy Godmother sighed. "Anyone else? Mal?"

"C, give it a bottle." She answered, not looking up from her sketch.

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos praised.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." Mal explained monotonously.

"Oh." Carlos said, sinking into his seat.

"That makes so much sense." Evie nodded. The door to the classroom was pushed open and Jane came running down the middle of the classroom.

"Oh..." Mal trailed off.

"Oh, hello, dear one." Fairy Godmother smiled.

"Hi," Jane greeted quietly. "You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation."

"Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?" Fairy Godmother asked. I waved at Jane and went back to watching the little snowman spin on the frost on my desk.

"Mom, no!" Jane protested.

"It's okay." Fairy Godmother said. "Jane this is everyone."

"Hi, that's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." Jane said, walking towards the door.

"Ahem," Fairy Godmother sounded. "Let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Jay and Carlos's hands shot up in the air, making me roll my eyes at the pair. Jay grabbed Carlos's hand and forced it down, struggling to keep it out of Fairy Godmother's sight.

"Oh! Oh, get off." Carlos wheezed.

"Jay." Fairy Godmother called.

"C." Jay replied with a confident smirk. "You turn it over to the proper authorities."

"I was gonna say that." Carlos pouted.

"But I said it first. Come here!" Jay said, grabbing Carlos around the neck. I laughed as they managed to wrestle on top of the desk.

"Boy. Boys!" Fairy Godmother yelled. "I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

"Oh, no." Carlos declined. "That's okay. Whatever that is, we'll... We'll pass."

"Come on boys." I snickered, letting the frost and the snowman melt onto my desk. "I'll take you to the field."

Jay let Carlos go and stood, sending me a flirty smile. Carlos slid off the desk and grabbed his backpack, reluctantly following Jay and I out of the classroom.

"You look nice today." Jay flirted. I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head.

"So not going to happen, Jay." I pouted sarcastically. His smile faltered and a confused look overtook his face. I pushed open a side door, stepping out into the warm afternoon.

"Why not?" Jay asked.

"Not my type." I shrugged.

"Not a prince?" Jay retorted.

"My aunt married an ice harvester who spoke to his reindeer." I deadpanned. "Prince's don't exactly fit in with the family."

"Who does?" Carlos finally sounded, his cheeks pink. I smiled softly at him and stopped walking just before we made it to the field.

"Well, you're off to a great start." I smiled. "Anyway, field is this way."

I sat on the bleachers, watching as Jay and Carlos ran through a play. I winced when Jay used Carlos's shield as a step, but smiled as Jay scored a goal single handedly. Maybe Ben's idea could work.

"Welcome to the team, son." Coach Jenkins said, clapping Jay on the shoulder. He then turned to Carlos. "You ever thought about band?"

"I'll work with him coach." Ben said, standing beside Carlos.

"All right, let's run that again!" Coach Jenkins called.

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