5 - Midnight Search, Midnight Snack

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A few days later, Lonnie, my roommate, dragged me down to Evie and Mal's dorm. She wanted to talk to Mal about some of the other girls getting their hair spelled. I followed sleepily behind her, longing to go back to my nice, warm bed. She knocked on the door, and after receiving no answer, she groaned.

"While we're out of bed, can we go down to the kitchen and get a snack?" I asked through a yawn. Lonnie sighed but nodded, dragging me down to the kitchen. She pushed open the door and beamed.

"There you are, Mal!" She exclaimed as I brushed past her. "I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair!"

"I could do it, but Fairy Godmother made them all scared of my magic after Marshmallow." I huffed, leaning over the bowl of cookie dough Mal was mixing.

"Midnight snack huh, what are you guys making?" Lonnie asked.

"Nothing special, just cookies." Mal said. I shrugged and ran my finger up the inside of the bowl, licking the cookie dough off my finger, Lonnie doing the same. "Oh, no, no!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Carlos yelled, holding his hands up. I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head.

"What?" I asked.

"We're not gonna double dip." Lonnie stated.

"Feel anything?" Evie asked.

"Yeah, like maybe it might be missing something?" Mal asked, sounding frustrated. Jay slid off the counter and sauntered over, looking at Lonnie and I with a flirty smile.

"Hey, there."

"Jay, buddy." I sighed, heading to the fridge. "We talked about this. I'm not into you."

"Could use some chips though." Lonnie said, grabbing the bowl of chocolate chips from my hand and dumping them into Mal's cookie dough.

"Chips?" Jay asked, sounding disappointed and confused.

"And those are..." Mal trailed off.

"Chocolate chips." I answered, taking a small handful from the bowl.

"Just the most important food group." Lonnie continued. "Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like, chocolate chip cookies? Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big ole glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective, and... why are you all looking at me like that?"

"It's just different where we're from." Mal stated. I looked down, feeling tears in my eyes. I was already homesick, but now I was missing my family more than ever.

"Yeah, I know." Lonnie nodded. "I just, you know, I thought... even villains love their kids."

Silence fell over the kitchen, and a tear slid down my cheek.

"Oh, how awful." Lonnie commented, looking at me. "Are you okay?"

Everyone looked at me, and Mal swiped the tear from my face and flicked it into the cookie dough. I sniffed and kept my head down.

"Excuse me." I whispered, my voice cracking. I managed to make it out of the kitchen before a sob escaped my throat. Lonnie and Carlos ran out of the kitchen, both catching me before I slid down the hallway wall.

"Hey, are you okay?" Carlos asked. Lonnie looked between us and then shuffled away awkwardly. I cried into Carlos's shoulder as I shook my head.

"No." I sniffed. "I miss my family."

"It will be okay, Ozzy." Carlos said, wrapping his arms around me. "You'll get to see them soon."

"It's just hard." I huffed. "No one here understands me like my family does. Here I'm an outcast because of the magic I was born with. At home, making it snow and building huge snowmen is normal. If I make it snow here, I get reported to Fairy Godmother and sent to detention."

"Sounds like you need to get away." Carlos said, a far-off look in his eyes.

"Hey," I said, wiping my face of tears. "I'll see you at the game tomorrow,yeah?"

"O-okay." Carlos stuttered.

"I'll see you then." I offered a small smile, rushing off to my dorm.

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