10 - Coronation

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I stood up, wobbling slightly in my heels. I fluffed out the bottom of my skirt and tried to stay still as my mother braided parts of my hair simply.

"You look beautiful, Kai." Mom said, tying off the braids.

"Thanks mom." I smiled.

"I'll see you there." She smiled, adjusting her own skirt before walking out of my dorm. I sighed and turned to look in the mirror.

I smiled softly at my reflection, jumping slightly when a knock sounded on my door

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I smiled softly at my reflection, jumping slightly when a knock sounded on my door. I pulled open the dorm room door and furrowed my eyebrows at Carlos.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Oh wow," He gasped. "You look beautiful. Not that you don't always look beautiful! It's just, you look really good. I mean, you always look goo-"

"Can I help you Carlos?" I asked.

"I really need to talk to you." He stated.


"When my mom asked me if you were my girlfriend, I panicked. Anything that I got on the Isle, my mom took from me or ruined to prove that people don't always get what they want. So, my immediate response to her asking if something is mine, or if I'm closer than an acquaintance to anyone other than Mal, Evie, and Jay, is to say no so she can't take it away or ruin it." Carlos rushed. "And when I said no to my mom about you, I didn't mean it. I wanted to tell her that you were my girlfriend and that I think I might love you, but I know she'd try everything in her power to ruin it. Especially after what we have planned, I don't know if you'd be safe from her. And I'm so, so sorry Kai."

"Woah." I breathed. "It's okay, Carlos."

"No, it's really not." He protested. "Because I don't want to go through with this plan anymore, not if it means you getting hurt. And I certainly do not want to just be your friend, Ozzy. It's not enough for me. You're the only thing in the world that I had that my mom didn't take away from me, and I pushed you away because she scared me. I don-"

I pressed my lips softly to his, effectively shutting him up. He placed his hands gently on my waist as I placed mine on either side of his face. I pulled away slowly, opening my eyes and looking into his.

"Carlos," I smiled. "I think I love you too."

He sighed in relief, bringing me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and let out a laugh.

"What?" He asked.

"We need to go to the coronation, Carlos." I giggled. "We're going to be late."

"Seems to be a trend with you." Carlos laughed. "May I accompany you to the coronation, princess?"

"Of course." I smiled, grabbing his outstretched hand and walked with him to my awaiting carriage.

"You get your own carriage?" Carlos asked, helping me into the carriage.

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