8 - Surprise

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"Ozzy!" I heard as I grabbed my chemistry book from my locker. It was a few days after my date with Carlos, and I'd only seen him consistently in remedial goodness, and even then he'd only speak to me when he had to. I closed my locker and turned to the person who called me.

"Yes, Fairy Godmother?" I asked, adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"I'm setting up a surprise for Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos." She said. "And I need your help."

"What exactly are you doing?" I questioned, leaning against the lockers.

"I'm going to set up a video chat between them and their parents." Fairy Godmother smiled.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Fairy Godmother." I said, shaking my head, remembering what Carlos said about how his mother treated him.

"But it's almost family day, and they deserve to see their families too." Fairy Godmother frowned.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked through a sigh. Fairy Godmother lit up again.

"I need you to set up the connection. I'd do it myself, but I'm not technologically savvy." She explained.

"I'll be early to remedial goodness on Friday to set it up. Have their parents ready." I said. "Excuse me, Fairy Godmother, I'm almost late for Chemistry."


Friday morning I woke up early and rushed into the remedial goodness classroom. Fairy Godmother looked shocked that I was early, but even more shocked that I showed up to class in a pair of sweatpants and one of Ben's shirts I'd stolen.

"I'm surprised you're actually here early." Fairy Godmother mused, handing me a pile of tangled cables.

"Me too." I yawned, starting to untangle the mass of cords. "But you asked me to be here, so I am here."

"Thank you." She smiled, walking to the chalkboard. She started cleaning the board while I sorted through the cables. It was silent in the classroom, and if I wasn't focused on untangling the cables, I probably would've fallen asleep. Once I'd untangled the cables, I took them to the screen Fairy Godmother set up in the front of the classroom. I started plugging them into the proper ports, and tested the connection.

Once I knew it worked, I turned off the screen and turned to Fairy Godmother.

"It works." I said, making her smile. "I'm going to put my head down until class starts."

"Thank you, Ozzy." Fairy Godmother said sweetly. I nodded at her and moved to my desk, sitting in the uncomfortable chair and laying my head down on the desk. I let my eyes slide shut and fell asleep soon after.

I was woken up about twenty minutes later when Jay slammed a book down on his desk. I shot up and glared at him, making him smirk.

"Morning princess." He teased. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "Sleep in the classroom last night?"

"No actually." I said while I stretched. "I got here early."

"Why?" Carlos sounded, looking over at me.

"You'll see." I responded vaguely. Mal walked over to my desk and handed me a large paper cup.

"Ben said you might need this." Mal smiled softly at me. I took the cup and took a sip, smiling happily as I tasted the coffee.

"I'll have to thank him later." I sighed, sipping the coffee again. "Thanks Mal."

"Yeah, no problem." She smiled, walking back over to the desk she shared with Evie.

"You're welcome!" Ben sounded from the door. "Is that my shirt?"

"Uh, no?" I scoffed, turning to look at him. "This is mine?"

"Sure it is." Ben rolled his eyes.

"Get to class Bennyboo." I huffed.

"See you later." He waved as he left. I sipped the coffee again, glancing over at the other kids. Mal, Evie, and Jay looked amused, and Carlos looked angry. "What?"

"You two are close." Carlos said bitterly. I choked on my coffee, coughing harshly as I wiped my mouth.

"He's my best friend." I wheezed, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Nothing more."

"Are you sure?" Jay asked, picking up the sleeve of Ben's shirt.

"We've been best friends since we were born." I reiterated. "He's more a brother to me than anything else."

"He's with me, guys." Mal said. "Remember?"

"And you're with Ozzy." Evie reminded Carlos with a glare. "Start acting like it."

"Ozzy, why don't you get cleaned up while I show them what we set up?" Fairy Godmother asked, handing a few napkins. I wiped my hands and face while I stood.

"I'll be back in a minute." I sniffed, walking out of the classroom and into the nearest bathroom. I washed my hands and my face and headed back into the classroom.

"Yes, I completely understand, mother." Mal said as I walked back into the classroom.

"Who's that?" I heard. I looked up and froze as I saw Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Cruella De Vil.

"That's Ozzy." Mal answered. I waved at them and shuffled forward. Carlos stood in front of me, blocking me from seeing the villains on the screen.

"Don't worry about her." He snapped.

"Carlos!" Cruella shrilled. "Is that a dog? Oh yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs."

"He's the perfect size for a pet!" Carlos huffed, stepping in front of the group.

"Oh!" Cruella exclaimed.

"This dog loves me, and I love him." Carlos stated, petting Dude. "And FYI, your dog is stuffed!"

"Oh." Cruella and I said together, her in shock and me in surprise.

"So give it a rest!" Carlos finished. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to my side, making Cruella's eyes light up.

"Oh, is Ozzy your girlfriend?" She snarled.

"No." Carlos denied. I sucked in a breath but nodded slightly.

"Sorry Miss De Vil, but I don't date villains." I stated, my head high. "Excuse me, I need to help Jane and Audrey with some family day decorating."

"Ozzy, wait!" Carlos called after me.

"I'll see you all on Sunday for family day." I smiled softly, grabbing my coffee and heading back to my dorm to change.

"Let her go, Carlos." I heard Jay say as I walked into the hallway.

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