9 - Family Day

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"What do you mean he said no?" Ben asked, sitting at the foot of my bed. It was Saturday afternoon, and I refused to get out of bed to help him with the family day choreography.

"His mom asked if I was his girlfriend, and he said no. And he hasn't spoken to me since." I huffed, kicking him.

"He hasn't tried to talk to you?" Ben questioned.

"Nope." I sighed, finally sitting up. "While you're here, let's talk about that spelled cookie Mal gave you."

"The spell washed away in the enchanted lake, but I still love her." Ben explained. "She doesn't know that I know."

"That's good." I smiled. "Not that she doesn't know, but that you love her for real."

"Now that you're sitting up, can you please get up and help me with the choreography? Please?" Ben asked, offering me a hand. I rolled my eyes but let him pull me out of bed.

"I'm going in this." I stated, pointing at my big shirt and snowflake shorts.

"Fine, let's go." Ben sighed, throwing shoes at me. I put the blue converse on and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"I'm only going to tell you what's wrong with it." I said, following him out into the garden.

"That's all I need." He smiled, glancing over the group of students. "Maybe you'll see it, love it, and want to join in?"

"You're reaching, Ben." I deadpanned, watching as the students got into position. Ben joined them and ran through the song and dance. I scanned them as I walked around, trying to find something wrong with it. The only thing that was off was Doug, but he was trying his best. When they all finished, Doug pushed his way forward, already apologizing to Ben and I.

"Listen, Doug." I started, calming him down. "You're doing your best, and I'm sure your dad will be proud of you either way."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, really. Don't worry too much about it Doug." I smiled. He hugged me before turning back to the students.

"So there's nothing wrong with it?" Ben asked.

"No, it looks really good." I commented. A flash of purple caught my eye, and I saw Mal walking with Evie, Jay, and Carlos, heading this way.

"You should talk to him." Ben said, following my gaze.

"Actually, I need to talk to Fairy Godmother." I said, turning back to him.

"What? About what?" Ben asked. "Hey Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos."

"Hey guys." I greeted with a small smile, turning back to Ben. "Just about a few reindeer making their way here tomorrow."

"Sven or Kristoff?" Ben asked, shaking his head.

"Kristoff is already going to be here tomorrow, so I need approval for Sven." I sighed. "Hopefully she says yes."

"Well, you haven't conjured anything since before my proclamation, so she has to say yes." Ben smiled.

"See you guys tomorrow. Keep practicing Doug!" I called, running off to find Fairy Godmother.


I stood anxiously, waiting for Ben to wrap up the musical number so I could go see my family. Once applause broke out, I all but sprinted to find my mom, aunt, uncle, and reindeer. I squealed as I caught sight of them, and just before I could actually make a move to greet them, Carlos stood in front of me.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

"Carlos, listen." I smiled. "It's fine. You don't want to date me, that's okay. I get it, don't worry about it. No hard feelings, we can still be friends, excuse me."

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