Chapter Six - Hiding in the hospital, waiting...

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Chapter Six

Hiding in the hospital, waiting...

Nathan didn't let go of my hand as we ascended the stairs, our footsteps echoing up the silent stairwell. He paused outside the door at floor six and peeked in through the narrow window. The hallway was empty except for a nurse at the far end.

"Alright it looks normal. Let's go." He pushed the door open and led me to room forty-two.

"Looks can be deceiving," I mumbled as my heart slammed against my chest. I thought for sure he'd be able to hear it.

It was unnervingly quiet on the unit. I didn't hear the same beeping from the heart monitors I heard earlier. The silence didn't bode well with me. I walked as close to Nathan as possible without stepping on him. I clutched the back of his jacket and investigated the rooms as we passed. Something wasn't right. Most of the beds were empty and messy.

"Nathan," I whispered tugging on his shirt.

"We're almost there," he said, pulling me a bit faster.

"But Nathan," I persisted.


"Why is it so quiet?" I ignored him shushing me.

He stopped and listened for a few seconds. "I don't know."

"Why are some of the rooms empty?" I continued.

"Are they?"

"Yeah and they weren't empty before."

He reached back and grabbed my arm. "Are you sure?"


"Wait here." He paused outside of Becca's room.

"Wait here? I'm not waiting here!"

"Just stay here!"

"I don't feel good about being up here." I refused to let go of his scrub jacket as he inched into the room.

"You're fine. Let me go so I can do what I need to do." He turned toward me and gripped my shoulders. His voice was so strong, reaffirming, and sure; the complete opposite of me.

"What could you possibly need to do to my sister?" I asked while looking around the hallway for signs of anybody.

Reaching inside my jacket I grabbed my Glock 22 out of the holster and checked the chamber. Locked and loaded.

"I want to do a few tests."

"Tests? She's an undead zombie! You don't perform medical test on a zombie, Nathan."

I replaced it and gripped the door jamb. I knew he was trying to keep me calm.

"You're not leaving me here alone." I glanced up and down the hall.

Dangerous criminals and thugs I could deal with. Blood thirsty, flesh eating zombies; not so much.

"Stay right here. I'll be a few feet in the room. You'll be safer here."

"I want to leave."

"Emma, we're going to leave. Calm down."

Reluctantly I nodded. I stood right outside the door as he approached what used to be my sister. Becca was still strapped to the bed and the restraints had rubbed her wrists raw. Dark purple blood soaked the sheets and covered her arms. She snarled and snapped at Nathan as he approached her. He pulled back the blankets from her legs and took a pen from his pocket. Disgusting, thick, foamy drool lathered at her mouth. She reminded me of a rabid raccoon.

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