Chapter Thirty - Prepared to Die

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Chapter Thirty

Prepared to Die, But It's Taking Forever!

Nobody knew exactly what it felt like to turn. We knew the symptoms and what was told, but those who weren't affected didn't really know. Nathan held my hands, crouching in front of me just staring at me like I was a specimen.

"Stop it," I mumbled.

"What he asked? Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I'm fine for now. Stop looking at me like I'm one of them already."

He dropped his gaze to the floor. "Sorry. I'm just curious and nervous."

I shook my head and leaned back against the cold, ungiving stone wall behind me. Shivers ran down my spine. The dungeons were cold and damp. Whoever designed the place didn't care much about the comfort of the people being held there. Of course, it was originally a prison meant for murderers.

"Oh, Emma!" my mother exclaimed from the other side of the bars.

I looked up to see my mother's tear stained face at the bars.

"Mom!" I cried, leaping off the bench.

"My baby," she sobbed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Nathan motioned for Andrew to unlock the cell door. He looked hesitantly from Nathan to me. My mother stared at the man with her big, sad, blue eyes. He sighed heavily and unlocked the heavy, iron door. My mother wrapped her arms around me and we sank to the floor in a fit of sobs.

"I'm so sorry, Momma!"

"Shh, baby. It's alright. Momma's here. Momma's here," she cooed while smoothing my hair down.

"Why didn't you just stay here?" Dad paced around the hallway.

"I couldn't let Nathan..."

"Nathan? Fuck Nathan!" my father shouted.

I glanced over at him. The look on his face was heartbreaking it looked like my dad had sucker punched him in the gut.

"Why did you leave? Why were you so damn irresponsible?" My father turned his anger on the man.

"I-I didn't think..."

"No you didn't think! Now look! Emma is going to turn into one of those things and it's all your fault!"

"Hey, man. He already feels bad." Taz stepped forward.

"Feels bad? He feels bad? My daughter is going to die and he feels bad?"

Taz shifted his gaze away from my dad. I'd never seen him so angry.

Mom wailed louder as dad said it.

"It's not his fault!" I shouted.

"How is it not?" Mom asked.

"I didn't have to go. It was my decision to go. Nobody else's. Mine. If you two are going to be mad at anybody, be mad at me."

Dad finally stopped moving and looked at me. Tears flooded his eyes. I had only seen my father cry once before, when this started and he found out Becca was dead.


"Emma, don't." He wiped at his face.

What have I done?

"How long does she have?" he asked Nathan.

"She was bit about half an hour ago so I guess it could be anytime. It really varies from person to person and how healthy they are."

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