Chapter Nineteen - WTF!

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Chapter Nineteen


"We have to go back through the hospital," Nathan said.

"What?" Meaghan furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes. She was definitely not keen on that idea.

"We have to go out one of the other ways."

"What if the entire hospital is surrounded?" Liz asked.

"Do you want to walk out into that horde?"

Taz, Meaghan, and Liz shook the heads no.

"There has to be a way out. I'm not dying here," I stated flatly, and I meant it. I survived that long nothing was going to take me out yet.

"Nobody said you were going to!" Nathan yelled at me. "We just need to stay calm and make it to the other side of the hospital. This back hallway is the only hallway that goes the length of it. Otherwise we're going out into the hospital more to find one of the other ways."

"Don't yell at her, Doc. It's you're fault we're even out here!" Taz hollered back.

"Stop fighting. That will not solve anything." I shook my head at their immaturity.

I took the kitten from Meaghan and put her back in my jacket. She popped her head out the top and mewed lightly. I scratched her behind the ear as we went back into the hospital.

"Are you really taking that thing home with you?" Meaghan asked.

"I'm not leaving her out here. I don't know how she hasn't ended up as zombie chow yet."

"What if she is a zombie?"

"A zombie cat? She would have bit me by now, or at least seemed mean. She's a total sweetheart. I'm taking her home."

"Alright." She sighed heavily.

I held tight to my bow. The arrows in the quiver were dwindling which meant I would eventually be down to just my knife. I stayed close behind Nathan and Meaghan. She looked around wildly like a terrified animal. Her cheeks were wet and her eyes red rimmed. I watched the gun shaking in her hands; she would never be able to shoot right in her present state.

Why would she try to shoot?

"Put your gun away," I whispered.

"What? Why?" Meaghan asked.

"You're never going to be able to shoot straight the way you're shaking. Not to mention why the hell would you try to shoot? Those things are attracted to noise as well as flesh. Put it away," Liz told her.

"Then what do I use as a weapon?"

"A knife."

"It's so small." She frowned at the metal tucked in her boot.

"It is not small and it won't draw a heard to us." Taz looked around a corner. "It's clear."

We continued along until we came to locked doors.

"Now what?" Nathan asked.

"We have to break through them," I told everyone.

"What if those things are over there?" Meaghan questioned.

"We fight our way through like we have before."

"Um like you have before. I've never had to go through here."

"There is a first for everything," I muttered.

"This is a first I would like to not go through."

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