Chapter Thirty-five - A Gas Station, Missing Keys, and Getting to the City

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Chapter Thirty-five

A Gas Station, Missing Keys, and Getting to the City

I couldn't help but think about when things started again.

How many people could have been saved if we'd known I was the cure all those years ago?

*Five years ago*

"That language is awful, Dad," I said, nocking an arrow.

"Just shoot the damn things," he grunted.

We managed to clear the entire lot in a relatively short amount of time. I stood amongst the zombie carnage looking at the still corpses. Their dark, thick blood poured out of their bodies and it smelled awful.

"That's gross," Meaghan said, putting her hand to her nose.

"Dead bodies. Dead blood," I muttered.

"But why do they smell so horrible!"

"Decay," Nathan muttered, walking toward the gas station.

"Are there any in there?" Bob asked.

"Looks like a few."

"Who goes in first?"

"I have the bow so I'll go."

I opened the door slowly and looked around the enormous building. Shelves were knocked over and the place had been pretty well looted already.

"Wow, people don't waste time do they," I mumbled to myself.

I took a few steps into the building and noticed a leg sticking out from under one of the collapsed shelves. I poked it with the end of my bow and waited for someone to call out or it to move. Beyond the counter three zombies stood there moaning and staring at me. I grabbed an arrow and sent it flying through the air. It went through the monsters eye socket sending a spurt of blood spraying on the wall behind it.


"Hello?" I called out still kneeling.


"Is anyone there?"

It was an eerie silence. Death hung in the air, and I was alone. I stood slowly and walked to the door.

"Well?" Dad asked.

"It's clear. We should probably remove the bodies before they come in," I said nodding toward the cars.

"How many are there?" Nathan asked.

"One was already dead and three zombies."

"What are we going to with them?" Meaghan asked.

"Just get them out of the building."

"I'm not touching them," Meaghan replied crinkling her nose up.

"I'm sure there are gloves in the grill area."

"Is there food?" Bob asked.

"Some but the place was pretty well looted already," I told him.

"I'll tell the moms and others that it's alright to come out so they can at least stretch their legs," Nathan said walking across the parking lot.

"Let's get to clearing the place out."

"We are leaving first thing in the morning," Dad mentioned casually.

"Good," Bob replied.

I slung the bow over my shoulder and went back inside. I searched around the small kitchen for gloves and managed to find food; actual food. Not just junk food.

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