Chapter Twenty - Escaping From the Hospital...Again

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Chapter Twenty

Escaping From the Hospital...Again

"We better be fast," I mumbled

"I don't think that was a good idea." Meaghan's eyes were as large as saucers. The zombies scrambled over each other.

"It doesn't matter now. Just keep shooting. One of the other doors can't be far down the hallway." Taz stabbed an undead through the eye.

I watched in disgust as the gooey eyeball detached from the socket, stuck to the knife. The body sank to the floor in a heap. Meaghan's face turned white at the sight; she spun around and vomited. I couldn't blame her if anything was in my stomach I would do the same thing.

"That was a first," Taz said, using the body beside him to remove the eyeball.

"That was disgusting."

Meaghan stopped heaving and ran past us. I watched as she high-tailed it down the hall.

"What the..." Nathan watched Meaghan run.

Taz and Liz stopped what they were doing and just stared at her.

She paused, looked back, and yelled at us. "Uh, don't stand there. Run!"

"Wh-..." I stopped and looked behind us. "Oh."

A massive horde formed beyond the broken doors. They tripped and stumbled over each other trying to get through the doors.

"Shit," Nathan said.

"That's an understatement," I yelled, running past him.

"Don't leave me behind!" Taz screamed.

"I want a raise!" Liz shouted after us.

"Then run!" Meaghan and I screamed in unison.

I went ahead of Meaghan stabbing an undead in the head. I looked behind us again; the horde grew even larger. There were hundreds of them.

"Where did they come from?" Meaghan asked.

"Everywhere I guess. The hospital isn't small." Nathan finally caught up to us.

"I know but that many?" she asked.

"When the zombiepacolypse happened there were over a thousand people here."

"And none of them left? Why didn't any of them leave?" Meaghan yelled, shooting another between the eyes as we ran.

"Stop with the gun!" Nathan yelled.

"I think that it's a little too late for that," I said.

"I'm not using that ridiculous knife to fight off an entire horde of them! Are you insane, Nathan?"

"Shut up about the gun, both of you, and run!" I shot an arrow into the side of a head. "How far down is the fucking door out of here?"

"Not much further. I think," Liz told him.

I stopped and looked at him in disbelief.

She'd better be kidding.

"You think?" Meaghan said what I thought.

"I haven't been down here in a long time," she explained.

"What if the door isn't down this way? What if we're running to a dead end?" I asked skeptically.

"It is," Nathan spoke up.

"How do you know?" Meaghan asked.

"I have used it; just not in four years."

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