The x Buried x Past

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After the ride to Split Mountain, Menchi explained the rules for the phase redo. We were supposed to jump down and grab an egg from the spider eagle web, which was above a deep canyon. A really deep canyon.

"Seriously? You expect us to do that?" some of the applicants complained. "That's practically suicide!"
I sweatdropped. This entire exam is practically suicide. Still, the others protested. "Yeah, what the hell is this?!"
"Give us a more fair test!"

"Are you kidding me? That looks so cool!" I yelled and immediately jumped into the canyon. That shut them up. The others above stared in shock as I fell towards the giant web. For some reason, I felt like... I knew that I would be perfectly fine. Premonition, I guess?

I grabbed an egg or two as I fell and held onto one of the thick strands of webbing before I could become a splat on the ground. I'd gained much more confidence in my newfound physical capabilities. I was a lot faster, stronger, stealthier, endurable, agile, etc. Is this what Superman feels like all the time?

"You didn't have to take the redo! You passed the first one!" Menchi called from above. "It's fine, it looked fun!" I yelled back with a smile. Maybe I'll go again... The cold rush of air and the adrenaline from free-falling is amazing! No wonder people like skydiving. Up above, Menchi couldn't help but smile. "It 'looked fun,' she says?"

A few more people began to drop down, adding weight to the web. Some people decided to jump before the updrift came, effectively killing them. The rest of us waited for Gon (whose freakishly good senses could detect anything) to give the signal.

Gon opened his eyes. "Now!"
We all let go, and a strong gust of wind blew us up into the air. I laughed as the breeze pushed us onto land. I thought the Hunter Exam would be full of difficult trials, but this was fun!

A few minutes later, my two eggs were completely cooked and ready to eat. My eyes widened as I bit into the soft egg. "Woah. This is the best thing I've ever tasted, and I don't even like eggs!" Next time... maybe scrambled? Or sunny side up? "I agree! Ten out of ten!" Gon said with a half-eaten egg in his hands.

**✿❀ time skip ❀✿*

"I told you you'd get kicked out," I said as a chef dropped Gon and Killua onto the floor with a scowl. "Shut up," Killua grumbled as they stood up, dusting themselves off.

"Woah, look at that!" Gon suddenly said. He ran over to the huge window and pressed his palms against the glass. Killua and I followed him to sit on the ledge. As soon as I looked outside, I was taken away by the beautiful sight. Below us, millions of bright lights like jewels and stars twinkled brightly. The city looked so gorgeous. It was my first time seeing it from a high up place like this.

I smiled and pressed my hands against the cool glass. I wished the window wasn't there so that I could feel the night wind. I looked over and saw Killua staring outside, the lights reflecting in his eyes. I still couldn't read him, as usual.

Killua... he was from a powerful assassin family, right? He probably didn't get to see stuff like this often. I bit my lip thinking about how lonely it must've been. Freedom is something you can't take away from living creatures with emotions. It's a right everyone deserves. Unless, of course, you're a horrible person who's committed a crime or something. That's why jail exists.

And sure, criminals are jailed for wrongdoings, but... it's not like they were thieves or killers the moment they were born. It was someone in their life or something that happened that made them who they are. Whatever horrible thing they do is still their fault, of course, but I can't help but wonder... if there was someone to comfort them after a tragedy, someone who really cared for them... if there was someone like that, would they have turned out the same? I doubt it. At least, that's what I like to think.

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