Chapter 7- Never mind me, I am a prodigy!

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100+ views?! It surely amazed me as the viewers kept on increasing. Thank you to everyone who read this and voted or commented on this story. Please continue reading and supporting me in the future. -Cutenarcissticlady
It had been 2 months since my birth and I had experienced nothing less than a well pampered life of a royal baby. I had no intention whatsoever of hiding the cheats I got from Mr Kaname( the God that met Zendaya in chap 1).

Guess what! I am a prodigy of prodigies and  I am going to make everyone, even the capture targets and heroine, bow before the almighty Zendaya. Bwahahaha!

The language of this world was English, the one spoken in my previous world, so I was able to understand what the others were saying. It was too much work to behave like a baby so I did not hesitate to let my melodious voice out and started to speak PROPERLY when I was 1 and a half month old. Oh.. and did I mention that I started walking without any support when I was half a month old?

Amazing, isn't it?

I had recently 'learnt' how to write too, although it is still untidy and unclear. I was practicing it when I saw a little boy feebly poking his head from the window of my room to look at me.

It was obviously the cutie, ahem...,my brother. I really wanted to perfect my writing like I did with my speach, but who can resist his charms?

"Am I disturbing you, little sis...? " he said shyly.

" brother, you can come in, through the door I mean." I wanted to tell him that I was busy but it would have broken his heart.

His face lightened up. He disappeared from the window and soon came in through the door. He had been visiting me very often recently. He usually talks to me about the things I like and the next day brings it to me.
I sure am loved!

He said," Did you like the new books I gifted you? I will prepare for more, if you want."

"Oh yes ,yes please," I replied.

I had asked him for books on art, magic,music and other things. I kept my ability to read a secret, only my brother knew as he brought books for me from the library.
People were already surprised by my flawless speech and my writing, I didn't want to give them a heart attack, and by people, I meant my parents and servants and other officials who work under my father. I will inform them about it soon.
My parents had planned to spread my miraculous deeds when I debuted in the society on my first birthday. I still have time till then. I cannot wait to tell everyone about how much of a prodigy I am.

Oh no.. I got carried away. When I got out of my thought strip I  realised that my brother was staring intensely at me. He had been doing that for a while.

I stared back. The staring competition continued till he broke the silence,"You are so beautiful sis. So cute, intelligent and admirable. When will I ever be at your level?"

"It will take you about.... a million years," I giggled mischieviously.

" Not funny sis!" He pouted.

" It's the truth. It's bad to lie." I stated simply. Oh teasing him is so much fun!

He lowered his head. There goes my fun. I knew he was about to burst into tears, so I said," Because i am nowhere as cute as you, Dumbo!"


"You know I don't lie. If you could see yourself from someone else's body, you would strangle yourself to death. You are THAT cute!"

"Really? If that is true, will you do that to me?"

" I might, if you allow. You will have to face consequences, not death though.

"Con-she-quen-shes?" He asked innocently.

"I meant,this!" I hugged him tightly and started to tickle him.

"Stop..hahaha..stop sis...stop... Utau!"He said between giggles.

I stopped as soon as he called me by my given name. I had satisfied my desire to tickle him till then. I never had a sibling in my previous life so I really enjoy having one in this life.

We both laid, exhausted, on the bed. It was no more a cot and had upgraded to its current state one month after my birth.
I cuddled up in my brother's arms and we both fell asleep.

3 intrigued pairs of eyes were watching us while we slept, who had crept in quietly as not to wake us up. The two large figures smiled at each other, while the third was hiding behind my book of art, carefully examining my every move, his tail swinging at his every thought.

Can you guess the 3 people in the last paragraph? Tell me in the comments.

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