Chapter 20- No sense of Responsibility

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I remember that I woke up a little late, which is nothing extraordinary for a five year old. I got ready sooner than usual. I grabbed Ao by the fur on his neck and kept him in a small pink purse that matched my dress. I did not close the zip as a way to make sure that he had air to breath.

Ryu had already left as he said that he had work to complete. Mom and dad did question him alot about this mysterious work(as stated by coca cola) but he somehow managed to flee.

All was left for me to go. This time the location was changed because we can't trouble the 'royals' everyday. So the new location was an isolated park near my mansion.

"Miss, are you sure...?"

"About what? "

"This place. It is very isolated and might be dangerous."

"Hmmm... You maybe right. Can you suggest a better place without too many people?"


"No problem, upon reaching, we will ask for ideas."

The tall trees with huge canopies covered the entrance. We saw a few cut trees in the middle creating a bit of space to walk in.
"Is father in charge of this area?"
"Yes, but he has been very busy these days, as the development has been stopped due to the... " He stopped for a bit and continued," Miss should not concern herself over these matters." He quickly came in front and started to lead me into the untamed garden.

Anyone could clearly tell he was hiding something but I didn't know why he was doing so. Was it because it would sadden or bore me? Or was it because he thought it was complicated and I wouldn't understand? I wanted to know, but asking someone who would not budge or even lie if I ask him further is just a waste of time. Plus, it may be an order from father that it must not be told to me. I know how loyal coca is towards father, the pillar of loyalty, to be precise. Let's be generous, and not ask him further although this doesn't mean that I will let go of this matter.

As we went deeper into the garden, I heard Villi's voice.
"There they are...?" My voice started off as a joyous tone but after taking roller coaster, it concluded with a question mark.

The humans were having a  fierce duel- kinda thingy which made me think what just happened.

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing for a competition." Phlyn said.

"Which competition?"

No one was really interested or free to answer my questions. I do hate it when people do not answer my questions but there was nothing I could do. I just sat down and watched them fight. I wanted to say that this is not why we were here for but 'Why  not enjoy it while it lasts? '

All of them had a sword (thankfully blunt) which they used to fight among eachother. The light that was reflected by the sword left me mesmerized for a while. It was something serious and I could tell that by their faces. I knew that they wouldn't stop soon.

I asked Ao if he might know and he guessed that it might be that annual swordsmanship competition that took place in the neighbouring town. It was rumoured to be very grand.

"I want to take part too!"
I always imagined myself to swing swords around and displaying myself as a chivalrous and cool knight. I internally squealed at the thought as way of expressing my excitement.

"No miss, I am afraid that can't happen."
"Why coca?!"
"Master has forbidden it."
"Not fair!"
Coca stood with his hands crossed symbolising that he wouldn't deny his master's command, come what may.
"Ugh, so uptight!"

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