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I jogged into the hospital, wanting nothing more than to see my precious Emma. The moment after I signed in, I ran full speed to room 205. Just as I made it to her door, I saw her parents walk out. When they laid their eyes on me, they looked a bit more than surprised.

"Harry… Nice to see you," Emma's mother said wearily.

I forced a smile, not wanting to get into a conversation. The only thing I wanted was to be with Emma. "Hi. Do you mind if I see Emma?"

Her parents exchanged a glance, but her mother finally nodded. "Go right ahead."

I gave them a head nod before walking into the familiar room.

My eyes immediately landed on her. Just looking at her was another stab to my heart. The many weeks apart had not done her any justice. Her skin was dull and colorless, her eyes didn't have their usual sparkle, and her face was noticeably thinner.

A wall of self-hatred built up around my body. Why had I been so stubborn? Why hadn't I visited her earlier? A month was a long time, and deep down, I knew it was a fraction of the rest of her life. I should have been with her every second of every day. She needed me, and I most definitely needed her.

After taking a long look at her, I ran over to the bed she was occupying. Unlike the last time I saw her, she was gazing into my eyes, not breaking the bond to even blink.

"Emma," I said after a few long moments.

"Harry," she replied.

I took her small hand into mine, sparks erupting immediately. "I missed you."

She didn't say anything, all she did was slightly nod and continue staring into my eyes.

"I am so sorry, Em," I said after a bit.

Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "For what?"

I sighed; there was so much I could apologize for. "I'm sorry for taking this long to visit you. I am sorry that I haven't been here for you. I'm sorry that I am visiting you once again, despite you asking me not to."

Emma's eyes became glassy as she shook her head. Once blinking back her tears, she spoke. "No, Harry. I am the one who is sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I didn't mean anything I said."

We didn't say anything for a few more minutes, all we did was stare at one another as if we were studying each other's every detail. As if we were making up for lost time.

Once I had analyzed her every aspect, I gave her a small grin. "You're so beautiful."

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