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I was woken up bright and early by my nurse, Sarah. 

"Good morning, Emma!" She singsonged, trying to lighten up my spirits. "You know what we have to do."

I groaned. It was my third week of Chemotherapy, and I absolutely despised it. She injected the chemicals into my arm muscle with a huge needle, but that wasn't the worst part. The thing I hate most about it was the side effects. I had suddenly become so weak, so tired, it had become a chore just to move. The doctor told me that I would get over the symptoms soon, but I hadn't seen a light at the end of the tunnel so far. 

The one thing that had kept me going was Harry. He was truly amazing. He would hold my hand during treatments, make me giggle when I was in pain, and be at my every beck and call. He was a life saver, really. He went out of his way for me- forgetting about his career, friends, even family- all for me. I loved him. More than words could ever explain. He was the best thing that has happened to me. My angel sent from above.

I was so encompassed in thinking about my boyfriend, that I barely noticed when Sarah slid the dagger-like needle into my arm. 

Once she pulled it out of me and disinfected the wound, she cleaned up her supplies and made her way to the door.

"I'll be back later, Emma. Hang in there."

"I'll try," I said to myself, even though she was already out of my room.

Sitting alone in my hospital bed, I soon became very inpatient. I wanted it to be that time of day when Harry walked through my door, lighting up the room with his vibrant green eyes and crooked smile. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms, my head against his chest so I could hear his heartbeat. I wanted Harry with me at that exact moment, and forever, never leaving his grasp.

I finally heard the sound of my favorite feet padding down the hallway. Moments later, Harry burst through the door, sporting a huge grin on his face.

A smile formed itself on my lips; his happiness was contagious. "What are you so chipper about?" I teased.

Harry quickly placed my Bucket List in front of me, complete with the check marks on number three and six. Before I could say anything, Harry pulled a white envelope out of his pocket and placed it gently in my hands. I looked down at the gold cursive writing.

"Mr.Harry Styles"

I looked up at Harry, but he waved his hands at the envelope, motioning for me to open it. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I lifted the flap and pulled out a fancy white card.

"You are cordially invited to the 75th annual Music Awards."

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