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"Em, I have to tell you something."

When the words left Harry's mouth, my stomach dropped. Judging by the solemn look on his face, I knew that I wouldn't like what he had to say. I slowly nodded my head, giving Harry the signal to go on.

Harry took a deep breath before speaking. "I am leaving for America early tomorrow morning, for two weeks. The band and I have some events and promotional stuff to do…"

As I processed what he had said, I felt the tears begin to build up in my ducts. Half of my body wanted to break down and cry, while the other half of my body was raging with anger. I wasn't mad at Harry- I couldn't be mad at him for being as successful as he was- I was mad at me. I was so disgusted at my selfishness; Harry had given up countless obligations for me in the months we had known each other, forgetting about everything just for me. He had been so kind and selfless, being at my side every single day, paying all of my medical bills, making me his top priority. He helped me through all my pain, he was there for me whenever I needed him, and then some. He was my everything.

Despite all of the guilt I felt, I still had a big lump of sadness stuck in my chest. Harry had been with me everyday… how would I cope without him for two whole weeks? 

Fourteen days. 

Three hundred thirty six hours.

Twenty thousand one hundred sixty minutes. 

One million two hundred nine thousand six hundred seconds.

I realized that I had been pondering too long, and Harry was staring at me, waiting for a response. I tried to speak, but my throat was clogged with tears. I merely nodded, not letting myself look into his eyes. If I had, I am sure I would have broke out in tears right then and there. Seeing his beautiful, emerald orbs would only remind me that I would not be able to see them for a while. I wouldn't be able to entwine our fingers together, or feel his soft, plump lips against mine. I wouldn't be able to sift my fingers through his glossy curls, or see that precious little smirk he always wore on his lips. Although it was just Harry who would be missing from my life, it felt like everything would be. 

I pulled myself out of my thoughts yet again, and pushed the tears back where they came from. I refused to let Harry see how sad I was, it would only make him feel worse than he already did. I glanced back at the sunset, but instead, my eyes landed on a dull black sky, such a difference from the explosion of color only moments before. As if trying to rub it in my face, the night sky made sure to point out that happiness can fade away in a matter of seconds, just like mine did.

"Ready to go?" Harry asked me emotionlessly.

"Yeah," I managed to choke out without letting my feelings get the best of me.  

We both got up and dusted the sand off our clothes before starting our departure back to the car. My feet padded against the cold, rough sand, the sharp grains probing at the nerve endings in my feet. The ride back was silent, the light purr of the car was the only thing that filled the slightly awkward silence. The tension between Harry and me was quite weird, it was the first time either one of us had nothing to say to each other. It's mind-blowing that one little sentence could change so much. 

The car parked itself in the hospital parking lot, and before I knew it, Harry had run around the car to open my door. Even at a moment like that, he still managed to make my heart flutter. The second I got out of the car, Harry pulled me into his arms, wrapping me in his limbs so tight I could barely breathe. 

"I'm sorry, Em. I wish I didn't have to go," he whispered in my ear.

I shook my head against his chest, taking a chance to inhale his musky scent. "Don't be."

We stood there for a few more minutes, embraced in each other's arms, the moon shining down at us. I decided that instead of being so pessimistic, I would start looking at the glass half full, and thinking positive. For starters, I had Harry in my life, and that was more than anyone else could say. The two weeks would go by fast, and Harry would be mine again. And just because I wouldn't be with him doesn't mean that I couldn't call, text, and video chat him. 

Things would be the same, right?

As much as I tried convincing myself that it would, I couldn't help but feel like it wouldn't.


**ok so first of all, yes, i know, this chapter is short as poop. i felt bad that i had kept you all hanging so i quickly typed up this chapter. i know it sucks but i just wanted you all to know what he had to say. dont worry, in the next chapter i have something important, i will try to write it whenever i get the chance.

in the mean time, take a look at my FINISHED fanfics, "The Step-Brother" and "The Teacher". (original names I know.)

here are a few fun facts to make up for this lame-excuse of a chapter:

-A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

 -A whale's penis is called a dork.

-According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying.

-Almonds are a member of the peach family.

-Harry Styles and I have sex every night.

-Hydroxydesoxycorticosterone and hydroxydeoxycorticosterones are the largest anagrams.

-"I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

-Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.

-Most lipstick contains fish scales.


follow me on twitter! @alylovess1d

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