Temptation and Tempest

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William flushed with embarrassment and glanced at Fidelia. A surprising surge of defensiveness filled his chest. He had felt a growing attraction to his wife since that kiss on their wedding night, but when had he become so protective? For a moment, Fidelia's facade appeared to crack. She suddenly seemed small, like a frightened, hurt little girl.

"Yes," his mother sneered at Fidelia. "I remember you now. You were that traitorous stable master's daughter, weren't you? The little waif who followed my son around, hatching plans to ensnare him!"

Fidelia thrust her chin out defiantly and William's heart sank. Her apparent fear vanished instantly. "He didn't want to stay your stable master. He wanted to be his own master. What is so traitorous about that?"

William shuddered at the snarl in her voice. They were in for it now. William coughed, hoping to distract her and alleviate the grow­ing tension. His day had already been full of enough conflict from when he stepped off the boat and was confronted by Mr. Hughes. His case officer had scolded him for foolishly getting married, especially to someone who would draw attention.

"William, my darling boy, what has she done to you?" The count­ess's eyes softened as she looked up at her son, again reaching out to tug on one of his long locks.

"Fidelia has done nothing improper in an attempt to snare me, I as­sure you, Mother." William fought to maintain a calm demeanor. "She is my wife. I ask you to treat her with the love that you would your own daughter."

"I was lucky enough to never have daughters, William," the countess said, glaring at Fidelia out of the corner of her eye. "Such silly creatures, always leading men into temptation!" The slight stung William and it seemed to bite into Fidelia as well.

"It would be a curse to have you for a mother," Fidelia said coolly, but her eyes flashed green banshee fire again.

The countess gasped, a hand flying to her chest. "William! Temper your ill-mannered bride this instant!"

"Fidelia, please—" William said, looking desperately between the two women. He had suspected that this meeting would be difficult, but he had not anticipated his mother putting up this much of a fuss. Fidelia's response, however . . . He was foolish to have anticipated that she would play the part of the meek and doting daughter-in-law.

"Prudence." The earl stepped forward, coming to William's rescue. Taking the countess by the hand, he directed her toward the drawing room. "Why don't we welcome our new daughter-in-law with a nice cup of tea, hmm? I'll have the cook bring up those crumpets you like so much, and we can all get to know each other."

The countess pressed her lips into a tight line, but her eyes bright­ened at the mention of the crumpets. With her head held high, she allowed herself to be led by her husband back up the stairs into the finely furnished sitting room on the second floor. The earl paused at the top of the stairs to turn and wink at William from behind his round spectacles. With a sigh of relief, William nodded in gratitude.

Edmund offered Lottie his arm to lead her up the stairs to the sit­ting room. William moved to do the same for Fidelia. She met him with a look that turned his hands to ice, her green eyes glittering with anger and unshed tears. Her face had lost all color, making her hair ap­pear like embers about to flare to life and burn the house to the ground.

"Forgive her, she meant no harm," William said, touching Fidelia's hand comfortingly. She yanked away as if he had burned her. Hurt and anger bubbled inside him. Had he not defended her to his own mother? Had he not treated her with the utmost kindness even as she spat and verbally clawed at him? And still she drew away from him as if afraid he would hurt her? Her continued distrust of him was beginning to make him despair of any peace between them.

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