Edmund Confesses

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Ellingham Hall, 10 February 1813

Fidelia examined herself in the mirror at the Thorpe's Ellingham Hall and winced. Large purple and blue bruises blossomed on her neck from Le Coquin's attempt to strangle her, and a large goose egg swelled on the back of her head. She sighed. And she hadn't even shot the man to thank him for her new "necklace."

"Feeling blue?" William leaned against the bedpost behind her, and she caught the flash of his grin in the mirror. His long, dark brown hair was loosely tied at the nape of his neck, although a few tendrils had escaped.

She chuckled and shook her head at him. "That was a terrible joke." He had taken her back to Ellingham Hall the night before, refusing to let go of her the whole ride. She certainly hadn't minded, however.

It still felt like a strange dream to have him near after wishing for it for so long. What she had minded was the countess's furious reaction at the sight of her riding in front of William. Red splotches had appeared on the countess's neck, and she was too angry for words, but the way she clenched her hands into fists until they were deathly white spoke volumes.

The Thorpes, for their part, had been equally annoyed with her presence, but their respect for William's station as Lord Greyville muted their anger. They "graciously" agreed to let Fidelia stay, if glares sharp enough to kill could be considered gracious.

"Is the prince regent safe?" she asked, turning away from the mir­ror. William had had to leave immediately after depositing her safely in their room, saying that he had to warn the prince, who was passing through Northumberland to his estate in Scotland.

He nodded. "The safest he's ever been, probably. Other than a few of his most trustworthy guards, I am the only person in the world who knows where he is."

"Not even Edmund knows?"

"If he knew, it would put him in danger. The French might try to torture him or blackmail him into giving the king up. I could not ask him to risk so much."

Fidelia's chest tightened with worry. "But you know that puts you in danger."

William's grin softened, and he stepped closer, tracing his fingers across her jaw and then burying them in her hair. His pale blue eyes glowed affectionately. "Are you worried about me?"

"Perhaps a little." She stared at him from under her lashes, daring him to kiss her. He leaned over and brushed his lips across her fore­head, tenderly planted tiny kisses down her nose and across her jaw, and nuzzled the space below her ear. She giggled and pulled him closer, relishing his warm scent. A fire ignited inside her chest.

But, sadly, it was quickly stamped down by a knock sounding on the door.

William groaned. "The next time someone interrupts us, I shall send them to the dungeon at Durham Castle."

"You have a dungeon at your estate? When do I get my private tour?" Fidelia teased. She treated him to a quick kiss before she re­leased him.

"As soon as I can steal you back to it. I'm sure the Thorpes would be grateful for us to leave Ellingham Hall." He answered the door with a long-suffering sigh. "Edmund, we're a little busy at the moment."

Fidelia's cheeks heated at his veiled insinuation, and she stifled a laugh. For a spy, the man was not very subtle.

"Apologies." Edmund's fierce tone surprised Fidelia. She peered around William, but his broad shoulders blocked her view. "I received word from Mr. Hughes. He is ordering us to meet by the river in Seahouses within the hour to discuss our defense."

William groaned, and his shoulders slumped. Fidelia's heart pounded. He was leaving? Again? But he had only just returned! Would they never have a moment of peace alone together?

"Stay," Fidelia whispered near his ear. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him farther into the room, ignoring the fact that Edmund was standing just on the other side of the doorway and could still see them.

William made an embarrassed noise halfway between a gulp and a chuckle. "Excuse us a moment." He quickly shut the door in Edmund's face and tried to turn to Fidelia. She held him fast. He sighed and ex­tricated himself from her arms. "I have a duty to my country, Fidelia."

She pouted but let him go. "Be careful."

He smiled down at her and kissed her nose. "Wait for me?"

She nodded. He grinned and pulled on his travel coat. She looped her arm through his and soaked in the comfort of his warmth beneath his sleeve as they joined Edmund. Lottie met them further down the hallway, and together the four of them walked in anxious silence down to the stables. Fidelia's arm felt cold when William left her side. He mounted his dark bay steed and jerked his head for Edmund to follow.

Edmund coughed. "Go ahead, I'll catch up. I have some . . . busi­ness I need to discuss."

Fidelia cocked her head, confused. William, however, glanced be­tween Edmund and Lottie with a grin and nodded. "Good luck." With that, he tipped his hat to Fidelia and took off down the lane into town.

She watched him go, her heart constricting painfully. Their good­bye felt short and left much to be desired, but she was grateful for it. He was a spy with a duty to fulfill, and she didn't want him distracted with longing looks or lingering embraces.

"Lottie, would you give me a moment alone with your sister?" Edmund's close voice made Lottie jump and turn sharply. Lottie's eyes widened with surprise, but then she blushed prettily.

Fidelia fought to contain her grin. Lottie had confessed to her dur­ing their sojourn in Bamburgh that she fancied Edmund, and on their return ride to Ellingham Hall he had commented to the girl that she was more beautiful than he remembered. Perhaps he was going to ask for permission to court her? Lottie would be thrilled, Fidelia thought with satisfaction.

"Go on," Fidelia urged, giving her sister a wink. Lottie's blush deep­ened. She spun on her heel and fled back into the hall.

Edmund took her hand and pulled her behind the stable and out of view of the hall's many windows. Fidelia was too surprised by the intimate gesture to tug away, confusion muting the warning bell that rang in her mind.

"Edmund, what are you—?"

He yanked her into his arms and silenced her astonished objection with his lips. His crushing embrace held her firmly against him, and Fidelia strained for air as he kissed her ferociously.


Hey Guys!  Thank you for reading this far!!  You rock!!  What did you think of this chapter?  Edmund couldn't take it anymore! What do you think of him?  What do you think will happen?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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