William's New Girl

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The swirling skirts dazzled Fidelia's eyes as she peeked in the ballroom. She had never seen a ball before. Although the sight was impressive, she didn't stay long. This was the perfect time to sneak into Mr. Thynne's rooms to snoop around.

Just as she made for the stairs, Mrs. Rowles's voice halted her. "New girl, the drinks need to be refreshed. Try not to draw attention to yourself."

The high-society event brought back painful memories of the disas­trous tea party at William's town house in Bath. The thought of filling the wine glasses for people like the countess's simpering friends made Fidelia roll her eyes in disgust. However, she did not want to draw Mrs. Rowles's attention any more than she already had, so she ground her teeth in agitation as she gave an obedient curtsey. Staying close to the walls, she pushed through the claustrophobia-inducing crowd to the side table to refresh the drinks. Just as she reached it, something caught her glance. She had seen glimpses of those familiar eyes, that long dark hair, and that slow smile often over the past three months, but she had always cast them off as tricks of her mind. She shook off the wave of memories that threatened to crash over her and started to refresh the drinks.

Then she did a double take. Her breath snagged painfully.

"William," she said, her voice barely audible. The red wine she was pouring into the glass overflowed and splashed onto the table.

There, in the center of the dance floor, was her husband. This time it wasn't a trick of her mind. His hair was still long, tied at the nape of his neck, and his shoulders were strong and straight, just like she remembered. Three months since he'd left her, and yet she still loved him just as fiercely.

A woman screeched. "You foolish maid, you've stained my dress!" The trance that held Fidelia snapped, and she blinked. The red wine was running off the table and splattering the skirt of a nearby debutante.

"Beggin' your pardon, miss!" Fidelia tried to imitate Sally's accent. "I'll get a towel to clean this up." She quickly ducked away before the debutante could draw attention to her and snaked through the crowd as the music ended, but her way was blocked by the dancers leaving the floor. She froze.

William walked just ahead of her, a young woman with chestnut hair hanging on his arm. Miss Thorpe. Fidelia's blood boiled. What was that sour-smiled wench doing there, and with William of all people?

Miss Thorpe said something to him that made him turn to smile at her. Fidelia's cheeks flushed. She had forgotten how his smile could affect her. With a start, she realized that he was turning in her direction.

William paused, his smile faltering. A familiar scent, like a ghost from the past, tickled his nose.

"Are you all right, William?" Miss Thorpe asked, tightening her hold on his arm. She had been quite tenacious all throughout the night, and although he was a gentleman, he was desperate to rid him­self of her viselike grip.

"I thought . . ." He turned and glanced around. A flash of bright red hair, peeking out from beneath a maid's cap, disappeared around the corner and into the sitting room. "I thought I smelled something."

"What?" Miss Thorpe asked, laughing. The girl had had one too many drinks, if her breath was any indication.

"Sweet basil."


Fidelia pressed herself against the wall, attempting to hide as her hus­band led Miss Thorpe to the sitting room. She prayed that the cap and maid's disguise were enough to keep anyone from noticing her. What was she going to do?

"Shall I refresh your drink, Miss Thorpe?" William offered as Miss Thorpe took a seat at the cluster of chairs in one corner of the room beside several other debutantes who were flushed from dancing and drinking. Fidelia quickly turned her face to the wall and pressed into the shadows as William passed again. She did not have time for this. She was supposed to be searching Mr. Thynne's rooms to find evidence of a French invasion, not spying on her husband and Miss Thorpe. She edged around toward the hallway, intent on making her escape.

"Should we be expecting a wedding announcement?" one of the girls asked teasingly.

Fidelia froze. What?

"Whatever could you mean?" Miss Thorpe said, her voice sickly sweet.

Fidelia turned around and slipped back into the center of the room, pretending to straighten things on the side table near the group of ladies.

"The two of you seem very much in love," another debutante agreed.

In love? This was Fidelia's husband they were discussing!

"We are." Miss Thorpe sighed theatrically as she leaned back in her chair. Fidelia inched around and saw a pretty pout on the girl's face. "But unfortunately, Lord Greyville is still married to that awful American woman who ran away three months ago."

The girls gasped and twittered with the excitement of juicy gossip. "He is bound by honor to an unsuitable woman and unable to pursue his true love," one said, bringing her hand to her forehead dramatically.

"His mother certainly does not see it that way," Miss Thorpe said. "She has encouraged us to make what would be an advantageous match, and my parents agree. The countess says that only a few signed documents are required to annul his marriage to that American. The earl's solicitor has had them drawn up for months, and they only await William's signature." She smiled.

The air was sucked from Fidelia's lungs. They were in love? They were going to be married? The thoughts raced through her mind as she fumbled with one of the small, gilded boxes on the tables. A few guests eyed her curiously, but none of the gossiping girls noticed. Her marriage to William had begun as one of convenience, but surely it had grown into something more . . . How could he end it so easily, and for Miss Thorpe of all people?

The girls around Miss Thorpe offered their congratulations, and Fidelia's stomach lurched. She could not stand another moment of this. Quickly, she exited into the hallway that led to the servants' quarters. Tears blurred her vision, and the polished wood paneling on the walls swam around her.

She realized too late that she had dropped her guard when a hand covered her mouth and someone hauled her into the library.


Hey Guys!  What did you think?  Miss Thorpe is definitely putting her claws into  William! 

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