Please Don't Go

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"How long?" Fidelia asked quietly. It felt like the ground was dropping out from under her and she was about to fall into an abyss.

"Two weeks, at least," William sighed, looking out the window to the streets down below. His interruption of her lessons with the Countess had been a welcome distraction until he informed Fidelia that he would be leaving immediately.

Fidelia sank into the chair beside the window, her head spinning. "Do you have to go?"

William smiled down at her sadly and knelt before her. He took her hands in his and kissed her fingertips gently. "I wish I could say that I didn't... but I must. I have a duty to my country.

"If the war were to end, would you have to leave again?" She searched his handsome face, trying to memorize every line, every strand of his long hair, his scruffy afternoon shadow of a beard.

"I would never stray from your side again," William promised with a wink. "But, alas, ending this war would take a miracle. And that is why I have to leave. Spies can make the difference in winning this war."

"I'm coming with you," Fidelia said fiercely. Things had only just started to get better, he couldn't leave, not now! And to a place so dangerous—

"Do not be silly," William chuckled and gave her hands a gentle squeeze. "Espionage is not a job for women."

"Why not?" Fidelia raised her chin defiantly.

William groaned and sat back on his heels. "Please, my clever girl, I do not want to waste our last few moments arguing."

"But I could help!" Fidelia protested. "A woman can spy in ways a man cannot—"

William cut her off with a gentle kiss. This one felt different from the ones they had shared earlier, Fidelia realized with a sinking feeling. Those were passionate, longing. Desperate. This... this felt like goodbye. The kind of goodbye that could mean forever. If he was caught, he would never come home to her. The thought made her sick.

"I need you here, where I know that you are safe. Heal from your accident, do well in your lessons, make me proud... and miss me often."

"I will," Fidelia promised, tears brimming in her eyes. "To all of them. But I will hate every moment of it," she said, determined to remain stubborn even as her world felt like it was crumbling around her.

Mr. de Lacy knocked on the door, poking his head in. "It's time, William," he said, his eyes on Fidelia.

William smiled sadly at Fidelia and nodded. He stood, pulling her to her feet. He traced his hand up her shoulder to the back of her neck and buried his fingers in her hair. "I shall return to you, Fidelia," he promised and kissed her softly. Her tears spilled over and she pulled him closer, desperate to keep him from leaving. If only her kisses were enough to make him stay where he would be safe.

"William," Mr. de Lacy coughed.

They broke apart. Fidelia blushed, realizing that Edmund had witnessed their tender moment, and William growled at his friend. Fidelia stepped away from him, ducking her head in embarrassment. This was his duty, his country, who was she to try and stop him?

William took a deep breath and, with the same flair from their wedding night, he produced a folded paper flower. She choked on a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob.

"No bride should be bereft of flowers," William murmured. He kissed her forehead softly and tucked the flower into her hand. Swiftly, he turned and marched to the door, his shoulders strong and straight, but Fidelia could see the tension in the way he clenched his hands into fists.

"William!" She called after him, hobbling to follow. William paused at the door to look back at her.

"Come back?" she begged softly, clutching the flower in trembling fingers.

"Always," William bowed his head slightly, and then he was gone.

"No fond farewell for your childhood friend?" Mr. de Lacy asked teasingly, stepping closer.

Fidelia shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts, but her heart had been pounding painfully since the moment her husband had stepped away from her. "O-of course, Mr. de Lacy," she smoothed her skirts and forced a smile at him. "Safe travels... to the both of you."

Mr. de Lacy's teasing smile faded to a strange, longing expression. He was only a step away from her now, gazing down at her with a furrowed, sad brow. "Farewell, Fidelia," he whispered, and brushed a kiss across her cheek.

Fidelia stiffened, but before she could react, he was gone. She brought her hand up to her cheek where his lips had brushed her skin, wondering if it was a normal occurrence in England for a man to kiss the cheek of his best friend's wife.


William rubbed his horse's nose slowly, lost in thought.

The horse snuffled against his coat pocket.

"No sugar tonight," he whispered.

The horse shifted and William noticed the animal's hoof moved oddly.

"Ready?" Edmund asked from behind.

William paused, running a hand down his horse's foreleg.  "Not yet.  My horse has a loose shoe."

"Take another horse.  Time is of the essence," Edmund said.

William nodded and led the horse back to the stablehand.  With a clatter, the shoe fell from the horse's hoof.

He paused, crouching beside the fallen shoe.  A single nail stuck out.

"We must go," Edmund urged.

"I need to take care of something," William said, pulling the nail from the shoe.


"A ring."


Hey Guys!!  Our lovers are separated and Edmund is getting bolder!! Gahh!!

In case anyone wanted to know, Edmund looks like Neil Jackson.

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