6. Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert

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With a few fall scented candles lit, pumpkin lanterns glowing, and twinkling black lights strung up around her room, it was easy for Mazie to fall asleep when she arrived home from work after she chowed down on some of Aunt Fe's leftovers. Her lack of sleep from the previous night had her nodding off in class and yawning excessively at work. Since she had homework to complete, she didn't plan on taking a nap. Then again, she could only blame herself for creating a relaxing ambiance in her room, turning on American Horror Story reruns, and dressing down in her softest sweatshirt and leggings.

Mazie drifted in and out of sleep, cuddling her pillow closer under her head. The haunted sounds and shrill laughter from her TV show kept her dangling on the edge of blissful unconsciousness, minimally aware of her personal surroundings and the time that ticked by as she slumbered.

It wasn't until the mattress depressed by her side under the weight of a person that Mazie sighed angrily, rousing herself from her nap. As much as she didn't want Felecia to intrude and wake her up, she did need to finish her work.

Brushing her hair out of her face, Mazie rolled over from her stomach onto her back and yawned, stretching her arms over her head. But it wasn't her aunt on her bed.

The intruder was Christian Slater.

Mazie squealed, grappling at the sheets to cover her body, feeling indisposed. Her heart raced wildly and her cheeks flushed with heat.

The corner of Christian's mouth lifted in a smirk. He uncomfortably stared into her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered harshly, refraining from slapping him silly for scaring her half to death.

Instead of answering, Christian's gaze flitted around her room, landing on the TV, the lanterns, Halloween paraphernalia, and fall decor. A look of keen interest and amusement crossed his face. "Sweet...ghosts."

He was referencing the random cute little white ghosts that she hung from her ceiling. When she turned on the ceiling fan, they danced around as if they were flying.

Recalling that she was fully dressed, Mazie cautiously lowered her sheets and sat up straight in bed. "Thanks."

Christian returned his attention to her, glancing her over. She tucked her legs closer to her body to avoid touching him. She wouldn't ask again, but she really wanted to know how Christian Slater arrived in her bedroom.

"You're a fan of Halloween?"

She sarcastically pointed to herself. "Witch," she said, referencing to they right in the woods.

He nodded seriously. "Do your aunt and uncle know?"

Mazie sat criss-cross. "Runs in the fam."

"Interesting bloodline." Christian leaned over and rested his elbows on his Kees. She felt like she could finally recover away from his scrutiny and exploratory, curious eyes. "Your aunt let me in."

Casually, Mazie ran her fingers through her hair and brushed out the knots. "And she let you come up here?" She raised her eyebrows, surprised.

Mischievously, he shot her a smirk. "I said I was your boyfriend."

This time, Mazie did hit him; she slapped him on the shoulder. "Are you serious?!" Wait until her dad heard about this. Felecia was probably on the phone with him right now, telling him all about the boy in the leather jacket.

He shrugged. "I could tell she wasn't going to let me in."


"I don't have your number."

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