11. Seeing Red

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17 Days to Halloween

"Mazie, wake up."

Mazie refrained from growling. "My alarm hasn't gone off yet. That means I don't have to."

"No, you do. Come on, before Fe gets up."

It was her Uncle Rob who jostled her shoulder relentlessly. Mazie grumbled incoherent cursing at him for awaking her so early. "What's wrong?"

Uncle Rob stepped back as she flung the covers away and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Come downstairs, gotta check out your car."

Still irritated and sleepy, Mazie sighed and slipped out of bed. "Is something wrong with it?" She asked.

"Come see." Rob quickly dashed out of her room, expecting her to follow. Mazie dragged her feet out of her room, down the stairs while fighting the fog in her brain. Moments after she just woke up, she couldn't put together a logical reason why her uncle needed her to check out her car so desperately. And so early in the morning.

Because the windows were fogged over from the cold fall weather, Rob waved her over to the front door which he unlocked and opened. Dressed for the day in a grey suit and black tie, Rob looked as dashing as ever as a young lawyer. His only flaw was the dark deep circles under his eyes which hinted at his late nights and early mornings. The firm where he worked had him on track to make partner in a short while which is why he was nearly working himself to death.

"Look," Rob whispered, pointing to the Range which sat at the curb.

Mazie gasped, both of her hands flying up to cover her mouth. Fear slid an icy finger down her spine. She also felt something akin to embarrassment. The fact her uncle discovered this didn't help.

Written in red bold letters on the windows of her new car were the words STAY AWAY FROM DEMI. The hard red color slashed over the glass on the front and rear windshield like a warning sign.

"Oh my..." She didn't have any words.

"Yeah." Rob just nodded his head as if he completely understand all of the words she didn't say.

"That...I was not expecting that," Mazie shamefully admitted, shivering from the cold or perhaps something much more sinister.

"I have to ask." Rob closed the door and locked it swiftly as if whoever did this to her car still lurked outside. "Who is Demi?"

All at once, a dozen little harmless lies flitted around in her head. It's not that Mazie didn't trust her uncle, because she did, but so far, she and Christian hadn't told anyone else about their investigation. Mazie wasn't sure if she should clue anyone in, especially a logical adult. Especially after she ventured out into the woods at night by herself.

"This girl at school. I tried to befriend her the other day."

Rob scratched his finger over his neatly trimmed professional beard which he grew out for the colder season. "Are you bullying her? Is she bullying you?"

Mazie reared back and crossed her arms over her chest. "No! I don't know who did that or why!" She really didn't although she could take an educated guess.

Looking very concerned, Rob placed his hand on her shoulder. "Mazie, if something is going on, you can tell me."

Biting her lower lip, Mazie shook her head. "I'm okay. I promise I didn't do anything to Demi and Demi didn't do anything to me."

Rob checked his watch. "Well obviously you can't drive that to school."

"I'll just take it to the car wash," she said, already thinking ahead.

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