34. Blockbuster

355 28 4

"Holden High Hores"

M - Christian gave me flowers

A - kissing AND flowers? He's in love with you

S - what did I miss?

A - I saw Christian kiss Mazie when we went to the cafe the other day

S - I like cafés....

M - it was spur of the moment and not a real kiss

A - his lips were on your lips....are you an idiot

S - I can't believe I missed this?! Was it good?

A - not like a hot lingering kiss. More like a fast quick but still very passionate kiss. They both looked like they enjoyed

M - I think I can speak for myself

S - wait, was that your FIRST KISS?

M - Um no? Lol

S - I mean with him dummy 🙄

A - yessss and I WITNESSED IT

Abort mission. Abort mission.

Mazie texted the group chat called "Holden High Hores" - whores with no W because all the words had to start with an H - comprised of herself, Amelia, and Serena to inform them about the flowers because she was kind of freaking out. Normally, she kept her business on lockdown. It pissed her off to answer a million questions. But she didn't know how to deal with this. She had already been stewing over it all day with no clear direction of what to do.

M - so back to the real topic. He gave me flowers

A - the important question is what kind?

S - then we can judge how serious this is

Mazie passed along a picture that Fe sent her of the bouquet all prettied up in a glass vase which now perched on the kitchen island to showcase their beauty.

S - dayummmm mami

A - oh those are FLOWER flowers

M - so these are like serious?

A - yes he had to have ordered them

S - Girl, they are so gorgeous. You are so lucky. He put some effort into that


A - why?! He's being thoughtful! That's a very good sign

M - that means he likes me

S - I mean we all knew that before but yeah

Mazie dropped her head into her hands. She was supposed to be restocking the books that were returned to their proper section but she got caught up texting her friends about boys. She didn't do this! Why was she doing this?!

A - Maze, stop freaking out. It's okay. We can help you figure out what to do from here

S - no biggie, Maze! Lots of options from this point

M - okay so tell me what they are!!!!!

She typed furiously, glancing around to make sure no one could spy her not-working. Multiple texts came through all at the same time.

A - Well you have to thank him for the flowers first of all

S - not necessarily

A - what? Why not?

S - playing hard to get! He'll approach her about the flowers because she doesn't say anything and Maze, you can be like, oh those are from you?! What a surprise! Be flirty and stuff

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