60. Tonight's the Night of Halloween

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The Day of Halloween

For the first time in weeks, Mazie woke up in a good mood.

Dear Mazie,

I've attached your senior photo session album to this email and also included a link where you can download, share, and print your favorite shots! These turned out even better than I expected! You look flawless, beautiful, perfect!!, in every image. If you're interested in oversized prints of your photos, I offer a service to print them for you to keep the quality of your images.

If you're feeling cheeky, check out my social media pages! I'm on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and VSCO as CalliePhotoExperience. I also ask, if you were especially pleased with your services, that you write about your experience as an official review on Google!

Onward from business...how is the editing going? Been messing around with the software I suggested? Let's get together and chat!



Though the dedication to her craft waned with more pressing issues on her agenda, Mazie often skipped her hour or so of editing time at the end of the day to catch up on homework. Now that she heard from Callie and could check out her own senior photos, she was geeked to get back to her laptop and tweak her favorite images to finalize her editing style. Nevertheless, her eagerness would have to take a back seat, because it was finally Halloween.

And she was psyched.

She woke up to Fe wearing a black witch's hat and riding a broomstick in her bedroom to wake her up before her alarm. Uncle Rob merely shook his head at his wife's antics as if he weren't amused, but Mazie saw him pinch her rear end as he left for the office. Her next encounter was with the twin ghosts, clothed in old white sheets with holes cut out for eyes. They swerved into her bathroom while she was beautifying herself and attempted to 'scare' her by screaming BOO! as loud as they possibly could. Of course, she couldn't let the opportunity go to chase the twins under their beds and whisper creepily that they were never safe from monsters on Halloween.

"Amelia is here! And breakfast is ready!" Fe called from downstairs. Mazie smoothed her hands down her black dress once more and fingered the tips of her braids that hung over her shoulders. She practiced her Wednesday Addams sadistic smile in the mirror before sauntering down the stairs for the first showing of her costume.

At the bottom of the stairs, Amelia stacked her hands on her hips. "How annoying. You're supposed to look like...dead...and still you look freaking hot."

Flouncing down the stairs in her thick soled combat boots which added her own flare to her otherwise classic costume, Mazie oohed and ahhed over Amelia's costume. "Look who's talking! Freaking red lips are banging. Dang, girl."

Accepting the attention with grace and dignity, Amelia spun on her heel to show off the whole ensemble. She was dressed as Maleficent with a skin tight, long sleeved black dress, black tights, high heel black boots, and handmade horns. Her black winged liner flicked so sharply she thought she might cut herself just by looking at it. She bared her white teeth to sport fangs concealed by blood red lips. "You like? Had to make the horns twice. They were lopsided."

"Perfectly straight-sided now," she declared, looping her arm through Amelia's and dragging her to the kitchen. "We are undeniably the best dressed."

"Please pay attention to me now!" Fe asked desperately from the kitchen.

Amelia laughed when she took in Fe's witch costume which was haphazardly put together. The only sign she was even a witch was the hat on her head. "Thanks for having me, Felecia. What's for breakfast?"

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