39. Mummy Mommy

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Hey, now we're building up speed as we're approaching the hill

Oh, my hair smells like chocolate

Hey, now you say you're gonna quit it, but you're never gonna quit it

Go get it, go get it, go get it, go

And play it cool.

For fear of being teased about her less than fabulous vocals, Mazie mumbled all of the words to one of her favorite The 1975 alternative indie rock lyrics under her breath so that Christian couldn't distinguish her voice from the melody of Matt Healy, the lead singer.

Upon their decision to hunt down Lonny in hopes of getting him talking, they drove together in Christian's truck to the school to find him after football practice. It only made sense to carpool since they were heading in the same place as a pair. On the way to the school, the both of them spitballed ideas and brainstormed about the best tactic to pry information out of Lonny. On the way home, the two of them sat in mutual silence, casually cruising the streets of Hollywood while listening to whatever came on the radio. She didn't mind the quiet in the truck. Mazie realized she was just happy to be with him.

Well, I think we better go, seriously better go

Said it's better than hanging on

Seriously better go, oh oh.

When Christian parked the car in the driveway of his home, he cut the engine and gazed up at the empty house in the darkening sky. "Doesn't look like anyone is home," he mentioned. "Stay put. Coming around."

Her heart leapt at the unexpected sweetness. She was too stunned to do anything but sit still and wait for Christian to circle the front of the truck to unlock her door and hold it open for her. "Um....thanks?" It came out more like a question, which made Christian laugh while she awkwardly stuffed her phone and keys in her pocket to jump out of the truck.

"You're welcome," he said kindly, offering her a hand down.

Discombobulated by his unanticipated chivalry, Mazie hastily tried to exit the cab of the truck but her limbs tangled up with urgency. Instead of delicately exiting the truck (as hard as she tried to accomplish that), her right foot tripped over her left foot and she catapulted forward.

Luckily, Christian caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Mazie screamed, throwing her arms around his neck and holding on for dear life as she tumbled out of the cab into his awaiting arms. Christian swept her up in his embrace, clutching her tightly in his hold. He crushed her to his chest and pulled her out of the cab.

With his added height, Mazie's legs dangled, unencumbered with her own body weight.

She couldn't help but giggle at her own awkwardness. She tilted her head back, entwining her arms around his neck, and laughed openly because she didn't know what else to do with herself. Only she could find a way to trip while sitting down in the least sexy way possible. Heat rushed to her cheeks, coloring her red with embarrassment.

"Good one, Maze," Christian said lowly. She felt his chest rumble with his words, enjoying the way their bodies curled up together instinctively.

She closed her mouth to limit her laughter, but it barely did any good. When she lowered her chin, Christian was looking at her like he couldn't tear his eyes away. "I'm sorry. I don't even know what happened."

"That's okay. I got you." Sliding his hands down her back, Christian hooked his hands underneath her backside and effortlessly snaked her legs around his torso, hitching her body up on his hips. He shifted her weight and she gasped in surprise.

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