Chappy 1

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Yes yes, another human pet shop type story. Not too cliche, but pretty cliche. But I llooovvee these stories! I couldn't help it!

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I glare at the shop keep and he doesn't spare me a glance as he passes by, Just a quick warning of "behave."

He's used to me by now. I glare at everyone and when the few who like "fiesty" open my small cage I bite them. And they leave me alone.

Once it was a close call. One creature came in, and said that she loved training challenges. Then I started screaming as loud as I can and she left me alone. No one likes a headache, and that's exactly what I am.

I'm not worth they're money. It's a damn good thing I'm not too attractive, or with a pleading look in my eyes. I have soft brown hair, which is a lot longer than I would like, but I refuse to look groomed. Its either over grown or I rip it all out. I have light brown eyes, and a single freckle on the tip of my button nose.

If I had been smarter and just passed the stupid test I wouldn't be here.

Those out in the deep space found us out. They figured out we were a threat after only a few days of observation, but found us quite cute at the same time. So, they did what every rational creature would do. They took over.

They killed everyone who disobeyed, and sorted those who didn't. The tests were to figure that out, and apparently I fit right in as a pet.

The shop is located at a space stop. Far away from earth, and my home, my bed.

After they took me here, I decided to take the role of rabid animal, not pet.




That's who I am, the hopeless human with issues. I guess I was that back on earth, too, but on a different level. I was just labeled an emo and moved on with my life, making self deprecating jokes, and weird memes on the internet.

I hear the doors of the shop slide open, and I look over. A creature with pink skin and no hair walks in, but otherwise looks like a human.

"Welcome!" The shop keep says.

All shop keepers are human. I guess to soothe us or whatever. I'm just glad it's not a violent species, like a goredant. Those fuckers are relentlessly violent with a need for blood.

The creature who just walked in walks through the pets, pausing occasionally.

I glare at them, and they pause at me.

"Hello little one," he says, and I scoff.

He then makes the first mistake, and opens the cage. He reaches in, and I bite his middle fingers. He doesn't even blink. I do my next step, slightly panicking. I scream as loud as I can.

He tries to cover my mouth, but I move away from him. I hit him and kick at him. In response, he quickly puts something in my mouth, and I stop, shocked. He had put a pacifier in my mouth. A pacifier.

I spit it out and voice my thoughts. "What the fuck?" I ask, and he takes this opportunity to connect a leash to my already too tight collar.

"Little things shouldn't swear," he says with no emotion at all.

"I'm not little you bastar-" he puts the pacifier back in my mouth, and this time he holds it there.

"Rule breakers get time out," he replies, and I try to open my mouth again, forgetting his hand is there.

He gives me a look and I stop struggling. Then he lets go, and I start screaming again. Now I'm really panicking. He seems completely emotionless, and that does not bode well for my case.

He sighs and picks up the pacifier. He then gets tape out of his pocket. He brought tape with him. Too poor for a muzzle?

He put the pacifier back in, closing my mouth with his hand and taping the pacifier there. I reached up to rip it off, but he grabbed both of my hands in one of his own, then dragged me to the shop keep.

His green eyes widened in surprise, his short dark beard creating a gap, telling me his mouth is open. He never expected me to sell, and I plead with my eyes for him to convince this customer to keep it that way.

"Did you get everything you need?" He asks, and the pink man nods.

"Okay then, that'll be three hundred," he says, and I get more panicked.

This is actually happening. I'm going to be a.... A pet. I mean, I sort of already was before, but now I'm going to go to a house. With this thing.

Suddenly, I'm numb. I let my hands go limp, and stare at nothing. I don't notice when he frees my hands and they drop to my side.

When he's done with the transaction, he tugs the leash. I take step after step, letting him guide me.

I walk out the doors of my past year and a half, and into the unknown.

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