Chappy 4

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Heads up - this is a short chapter, but I really wanted to end it Where I did.

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I hear an overwhelmingly loud noise, and my eyes grow wide, my heart beats faster than ever, and my stomach sinks to the floor. I'm going to die.

"Just the brakes," the man yet to be named assures me, and I relax before remembering why we would be stopping.

He clips a light purple leash onto my bland collar, but when he starts walking, I try to stay put. I am not going. I simply can't. Especially not in this onesie.

"Come on," he beckons to me, and I shake my head vigourasly.

He sighs and scoops me up as I give a surprised squeal. I try fighting him, but he seems invincible.

We walk out, and to my surprise, We're on earth, with the sun in the middle of the sky. How fast does that ship go? But that's when I see a creature I've only ever heard about. What looks like a pterodactyl with a humongous wing span, and gray scaly skin, soaring through the sky.

I stare at it, mouth gaping wide open. Where the hell are we? I open my mouth to ask the man carrying me, but get distracted by what we're heading towards. A goredant. Her glowing red eyes are a telltale sign of what she is, and a warning.

"You have got to be kidding me," I say under my breath as we approach her.

She has braided vibrant blue hair that is obviously dyed for her kind. Her sharp teeth showing through the gruesome smile she's giving me, and red, spiked skin glowing in the sunlight.

The pink man's grip tightens around me as we approach, and I look at him curiously. Does he not want me to go with the violent creature before us?

"Hello, Blair," she purrs at us, and I finally have a name to put to the face.

I almost smile until her bloodthirsty eyes turn to me. "And you are...?"

I shrink into Blair, and he answers for me. "Jake. You really want him?"

She narrows her eyes at him, smile turning into a sneer. "Yes, of course I do," she snaps, and I grip onto Blair, not wanting to go with her.

Blair looks down at me, at my panicked state.

"I've changed my mind. I shall comprimise, and get you a different pet." He promises, and my fear is washed away by gratefullness.

"What!?" The goredant hisses, obviously pissed. "No! I want this one!" I'd laugh at how childish she sounds if she weren't so terrifying.

"He does not deserve it," was his reply, and I bark out a laugh before I can stop myself. Of course I deserve it. But I'm not going to tell him that until we are far far away.

I notice both of their searing gazes are on me, and my slight smile disappears.

"I don't care! Blair, if you don't give the thing to me right now I swear. I'm going to give you both a most painful, and slow death!" A tail that I didn't see before whips out behind her, making an angry crack! As her eyes begin glowing redder than ever.

"Too bad," Blair says simply, turns, and runs.

My mistake is not closing my eyes. Her hair turns to fire on her rocky skin, and her tail whips out again as she chases after us.

I let out a scream, my heart hammering against my rib cage as adrenalin pumps through my veins.

"Go faster!" I scream at Blair as he huffs.

He scrapes his hand on a tree as we get closer to the gigantic ship. He quickly slams his bloody hand on the ship, bright red sticking out.

He races inside, and to the control room, breathing heavily. He throws me into the pastel room without a word.

After only a few seconds I feel the familiar vibration of the engine, and after a few more, my stomach drops, telling me we're going up, up, and away.

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